Overview Of All The Lessons

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TW: Some Swears (Ranting)

Sophia's POV

Eddie's a fast learner, I don't know if anyone's told him that. He's already learned all the beginner, intermediate, and a few of advanced positions. Today is his last day where he'll learn the rest of the advanced positions. I noticed that he has gotten visibly happier throughout the week.

Today I woke up in my office, tired. As in tired and need sleep, and tired of Oliver Thompson. Oliver Thompson, a narcissistic man who is so shitty that his poop's jealous of him. He's one of the strippers here since he's a 'genius' in pole-dancing. He signed up because, and I quote, "My body's too perfect to be covered." no bitch, cover it back up. He also makes comments like "Sophia, just admit I'm better than everyone else and give me a raise!" Um... I don't know if your brain can comprehend this but I'll give someone who actually know how to respect people a raise. Can he just accept the fact the he's a shallow asshole who isn't better than everyone else? (No, apparently not.)

I went downstairs to loud music being blasted (thank god I have a soundproof office) in my ears, Oliver was dancing on the pole in the middle. He was being covered in cash while the others, weren't. Not a single dollar was anywhere to be found on any of the other poles (poor them). Like always, Oliver was the center of attention.

Oliver had platinum blonde hair with green eyes (yes he's everyones' dream man). He had a diamond-shaped jawline with slightly chubby cheeks. Not to mention, he was a great dancer. He found each everyones' like and dislikes and put on a show that everyone will love. I'll admit those things but-HOLY SHIT HE'S LOOKING AT ME-I need to leave.

Oliver's POV

I looked around to all the people showering me with cash, and I must say, they have a reason to. I mean, who wouldn't want to see this magnificent body? As I was looking around, I saw a hideous woman with short black hair-oh, it must be Sophia. She turned away? Who would turn away at me! Hm, she must've seen me looking at her and turned away due to her shyness. I'll let her off the hook. All I could hear and choose to hear, is the cheering. I know, I'm marvelous aren't I?

"Sorry loves, shift's over." I cooed. A bunch of groans came out of their ugly little mouths. "I know I know, you don't wanna see me go. I'll come back later!" I winked at them. They raised their hands to help me get off, of course. I walked I away to the staff room, with all of the trailing behind me like paparazzi. I opened the door to the staff room when the guards stopped my fans, I wouldn't mind them seeing me change! A body like this is worth fighting those hunky bodyguards!


3rd Person POV

Eddie was sitting on a bench in a nearby park. He was lost in his thoughts while he was waiting for the time to pass by. Checking his phone, he saw that it was 2:40 pm. "I should get going." Eddie murmured. He stood up and glanced at the map next to the bench. He took an picture and spent a few minutes trying to find his way out before closing his phone out of anger and not using the map. He eventually found his way out (somehow) without the map (with luck?). Eddie then opened his phone again to delete the map. It was now 2:50, Thank gosh I left at 2:40. Eddie then walked all the way to the club. Well, that's he planned to do.

Eddie doesn't know where the hell he is. So that means that he has to find his way, again. 10 minutes flew past quickly as Eddie was asking everyone where Tenderloin was. With many "Not the meat, the neighborhood." and "Thank you."s. In the end, he found his way to the club, in sixteen minutes.

Eddie's POV

I saw the club ahead and started walking faster, a man popped out in front of me suddenly and-"OW!" I yelped. I looked up to see a handsome man that had green eyes with light-colored hair. He kneeled down and apologized, "My bad, let me help you up." He smiled at me with soft eyes. He offered his hand and I took it. I stood up and he let go, still smiling. "Sorry." I apologized. After all, I was the one who ran into him.

Oliver's POV

I was leaving the club on a break to go buy something when some bozo bumped into me. I almost yelled at them, but that would've been a 'slip of tongue', after all, I don't want to damage my reputation. I stood up and dusted off my priceless shirt (that covers my beautiful body) and looked at him. He had short brown hair (that reminded me of the bartender Jeremy? Whatever his name was) with a clean face (he must've just shaven), and blue-green eyes. For some reason, I don't find him ugly or way below me. I kneeled down to help him get up. "My bad, let me help you up." I leaned over. He took my hand and I pulled him up.

"Sorry." he said. Oh wow! Someone actually says sorry around here! I nodded my head and left to go to a restaurant nearby.

Eddie's POV

After the incident, I ran into the club and up the stairs to the studio. I opened the door of the studio and found a mad Sophia staring at me. I made sure to apologize to her a couple of times (to be sure that I'm forgiven).

Her face softened so I assumed I was forgiven. I grabbed a leotard and went to change. I walked into the "Males" room, slipped my clothes off and put on the leotard. Like all the other lessons, I got out, placed my clothes on the table, and picked a empty pole. "Today we will learn the rest of the advanced positions, and if we finish early, we can do a few extreme ones." she announced. I nodded my head and the lesson began.


I had learned aerial invert (advanced), apprentice (advanced), broken doll (advanced), teddy variation (advanced), and more advanced positions. As with all lessons before this, I took a shower, changed back, returned the leotard, collected my money, and went back home. Kind of funny how Sophia didn't teach me positions first then routines. This time, Sophia gave me a weird looking ball called a 'massage ball' and told me, "Use this, it'll help. I don't know how to explain it to you on how to use it so just search it up on google. " I went on my phone and searched up how to use it on google. "Apparently I just 'use my body weight to roll the ball against any place that feel tight.'" I read. I continued reading until I reached the end. Like the instructions said, I placed the ball between my back and the wall, and rolled. I continued as groans filled my mouth mixed with a little bit of moans. It works a wonder!


After a while, I went to sleep. Wouldn't want to be tired on my first day of work tomorrow.


Hello! Author here! This is the site I used for the pole-dancing positions: https://www.onlinepolestudio.com/moves/pole/alphabetical/browse-0-140/

Remember if you find anything hard to read, distasteful, rude, and etcetera, comment and I'll fix it.

1287 Words

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