VERY Belated Halloween Special

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Sophia's POV

"It's Halloween!" I cheered. My costume was laid out on the bed, it was a Little Red riding hood costume. This was my costume:

I slipped the costume on and walked over to my vanity

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I slipped the costume on and walked over to my vanity. The short explanation for what I'm about to do: makeup.


I was applying on lipstick, it was a luminous red color. It shined brightly like a star, dare I say brighter than William James Sidis—the smartest man in the world. I checked my phone, it was 11:00 am. "I should get going now." I realized. I got outside, carrying my basket. The basket was quite small but I could still fit my phone, lip balm, keys, wallet, some makeup, and a minute pack of wet wipes. It took up all the space in the basket so I couldn't really fit in anything else.

I strolled through the neighborhood before stopping in front of the club. I found a few figures standing in front of the club. "What're you guys doing here?" I asked. They all looked at me dumbfounded. "I told everyone to not go to work today!. It's Halloween!" I explained. The all replied with a "Ohhh."

"You can come along with me to a party! I just need to air out the club and see if anything's been stolen or damaged, 'cause you can never be too sure that someone won't break-in." I offered. "Are you sure?" one of them asked. I could tell all of them were unsure of going with their boss to a party. "Feel free to." I confirmed.


After airing out the club, I also went to check on my staff to see if they were doing anything today, if the weren't, I would invite them to join me. Lastly, I walked up to Eddie's apartment and knocked on his door. I could here footsteps coming closer to the door. The door clicked and swung to the side. "Hey Eddie!" I greeted him. "How did you manage to find out where I live!?" he interrogated me. "I have my ways." I answered vaguely.

He looked concerned (as he should and as expected). Truth is, I followed him one time and found out where he lived. I followed him to check up on him but ditched last second. "So uh... wanna go to a party with me?" I asked him. "No." he replied quickly and closed the door. "Oh come on! It'll be fun!" I attempted to convince him. Nothing happened.

"I'll... pay you?" I continued. The door swung open. "I'll come, I guess." he mumbled. "You shallow bit-" I laughed, not being able to finish my sentence. The others cracked a smile. "Get dressed." I told him. "Ex-excuse me?" he stuttered.

"It's a Halloween party? You're supposed to get dressed?"

"I don't have a costume."

"Well then let's go shopping!"


He went back inside (I assume to get changed), and got back a little while later. "Alright let's go!" I exclaimed.


At the costume store

"Hmm, what about this?" I showed him a outfit. "No." he shut me down. After a bunch of rejections, I decided to give him some advice, "Halloween is the time of year when a person can dress as scandalous as they want, and no one can say anything about it! Just wear one of these outfits that you like! Don't worry about it being revealing and such and get it!" He stood there, thinking presumably.

He then pointed to a costume:

He then pointed to a costume:

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"Ohohohooo!" I squealed. Eddie was hiding his face, either in shame or embarrassment. We then paid for the costume and went back to his apartment for him to change his clothes.


We reached O'Farrell street, where the party was being held. I knocked on the door, the door opened and there stood Liam. He gestured for me enter. "Quite the group huh?" he said to me. I just smiled and we got to the main room where everyone was. "Alright, let's split up!" I told everyone. Everyone but Eddie left, I could tell he was unsure. "C'mon Eddie, lets go together!" I offered.

We walked to the table with appetizers and drinks. "Want something to drink?" I asked, pointing to the fruit punch (that's most likely spiked). "Sure." he agreed. I picked up a ladle and a plastic cup. I scooped up some punch repeatedly 'til the cup was full then handed him the cup. He thanked me and I went on to pour myself a cup.

I took a sip, and yup, it was definitely spiked. There was just a little bit of alcohol, but my (advanced) taste-buds could still taste it. I looked over and noticed Eddie was talking to someone. "Seems like he doesn't need my guidance anymore.' I said to myself.

Eddie's POV

One minute I was drinking punch and the next I was talking to someone. It started with "Hey your costume's really cool!" I complimented them. "Thanks." they replied. Their voice was deep and husky, wow even their voice was cool, such as their body. "Name?" I inquired. "Venom." they said.

The conversation went on for a while and before I knew it was already midnight. Sophia had come up to me to tell me that it was time to go home. "Seems like Cinderella has to go home now." they joked. I smiled and left with Sophia. The whole group was already outside.


"Maybe you should've got their number." Sophia told me. My eyes widened as I realized that I hadn't got their number. I groaned.


"I guessed I really did enjoy that party." I muttered. I closed my eyes and smiled. I felt good since I knew that my rent was paid and because of the smell of money that Sophia gave me for attending the party. If I could get paid for attending parties, I would've been considered a party animal, a rich party animal.


Author's Note

I'm sorry that the Halloween special was this late lol. I'm getting writer's block :(

1003 Words

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