Comforting Anne Weying

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TW: Vulgar Language, Hint of Violence

Third Person

Hey it's me, the second narrator! I'll be narrating for now. Why? The first narrator is on a break. Alright, let's begin the story.

Eddie's POV

"Please, don't tell Anne." Dan begged. He was sweating waterfalls. I still can't believe Dan would do this. I mean, Dan out of everyone! He's like, the nicest guy I know! Cares about everyone's wellbeing, makes Anne happy, helps people, and does all the chores and stuff. Sweeter than candy, well at least he seemed like it. "I'll give you a thousand dollars, in cash! Just don't tell Anne. Please!" Dan pleaded. Now I began sweating. This man is so shallow!

"Two thousand! Three thousand. How ever much you want!" Dan continued. I gulped, sweat dripping down my forehead. No, I'm going to tell Anne. It doesn't matter how much cash this guy has! "Please......" Dan dragged out, tears threatening to come out. I bit my lip and finally, began, "Why....weren't you satisfied.... with Anne. She gave you everything. Love, wealth, a life you'll never forget." He stepped back eyes widening, swarming with guilt. "I already had wealth, I could get any girl I want. A-any. A-and.....I...... She just wasn't enough alright!" He stammered.

I grinded my teeth. "I'm telling Anne and that's it. You've already done enough, you shit-head..." I said, words laced with venom deadly enough to kill fifteen humans. I scoffed at him after. "Fine, I'll just have to stop you forcefully!" He yelled, yet not loud enough to grab anyone's attention. Forcefully? No way.... I was too caught up in disbelief that I almost didnt see him rushing towards me. Crap! I managed to step to the side and trip him. I had some time before he got up. I ran to the staff room, blending in with the crowd.

I saw Dan get up in the corner of my eye. I'm starting to wonder if joining the crowd was a bad idea. It was like a mosh pit, I was getting pushed around everywhere. I started to push myself out of the crowd, seeing Dan near me I crouched down. I managed to get out of the crowd and was right outside of the staff room. Unfortunately, Dan was right on my tail, keen bastard. He was right behind me, and of course, when I was right at the door, I tripped.

What am I in? A horror movie or something? Except the person who always trips is a girl that's trying to escape from a killer that's only walking. I, however, am not a girl or trying to escape a killer (I don't think I am at the very least) or trying to escape from a person that is walking (he was jogging, or running). "Heh." He chuckled. He was about to grab me when a buff arm stopped him. Ah, the bodyguards. I got up and thanked the bodyguards and went into the staff room to let them deal with Dan.

As soon as I stepped in, Carolina got in my face. "Woah is that the new guy?" she asked, peeking out. "Oh sorry." she apologized and backed away. I nodded. "Damn, he was my best customer. Had a lotta cash." she murmured. I'm not sure how I feel about Dan blowing lots of cash here. Poor Anne. "Eddie. Eddie. Eddie!" someone repeated my name a few times, worried. My eyes searched the room before landing on a frantic Quinton.

"Quinton? What is-" "Are you ok? Do need to go home? Did he hurt you?" I was cut off by Quinton. "No?" I answered. "Take the day off! I'll fill in for you!" he ignored me. "No!" I shot him down. "NOW!" he raised his voice. I sighed, deciding I'll listen to him so he doesn't get angry. "Fine." I said and went to my locker to change.


I was walking to Anne's place to go tell her, thankfully, Dan was nowhere to be seen. I hope he didn't get home already I stopped in front of her house and took a deep breath. I had bought some things that girls like. Girls like chocolates and ice-cream, right? I knocked the door but someone I didn't know answered. "Who're you?" she asked. "Oh I'm Eddie. I'm Anne's friend." I answered. "Eddie?" a faint voice called. Anne. Bingo. "Come in, if Anne knows you then I'm fine with you." mystery woman said.

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