Filler chapter again!

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Karter's POV (Second Narrator)
Is this the end of our relationship? Two kisses ruined it all. Most likely, they don't wanna see me. What do I do? OKAY! I've got to stop thinking like this... I'll corrupt myself. HAPPY THOUGHTS! I guess not.... Tears had already started rolling down my face, well, some face. I don't think happy thoughts matter anymore.

I could've just helped them and left. Why did I go the extra length? Boldness turns into regret. Love is so bittersweet. "Haha." I chuckled, well, I'm pretty sure this is what they meant by crossing the Rubicon. Past the point of no return.

The laughter didn't last long; it was gonna end at some point. More tears drip, damping my bedsheets. Alone. That's what I am. And what I will probably be from here on out. I clutched my sheets. I wasn't supposed to hurt this much.

Narrators aren't supposed to have feelings.


Alik's POV (First Narrator)
I kept grinning like an idiot whenever I thought of them. I haven't seen Karter in a bit, but I certainly can't wait to see them again. Maybe I should go outside and buy something for them. Valentine's Day is coming after all.


I lived in Wyoming. It was a nice place. I was grateful to be allowed outside. I felt almost human. My artificial body was a man. A brunette with blue eyes. Unremarkable. I walked to the closest dollar tree.

It's a bit embarrassing when you realize you're buying someone a gift from dollar tree. But... I was assembling it myself with different products. So it's not that bad? I bought dark red bags.

They only had it in packs of six. All pink Starburst, Lindor chocolate truffles, Ferrero rocher, fake roses, valentine's Day themed warheads lollipops, tissue paper, and more chocolate

"Are you buying this for your girlfriend?" The lady asked. "Oh no. It's for my, um....lover?" I placed my items on the counter. I could call them my partner right? It's OK, we did kiss! I couldn't help grinning again. It was hard not to when thinking of Karter. Some might say I'm a hopeless romantic, but I'm actually a hopeful romantic.

I couldn't help but notice her making a face while scanning my items. Did I do something wrong? "Take your stuff and go away." She snarked and placed my items in a bag and threw them at me. "Pardon?" I took my bag. I smiled awkwardly, trying to shrug it off. Maybe she was having a bad day?

"Men should date women. That's the only way they'll reproduce. " She rambled. "I'm sorry, ma'am." My smile dropped, and I ran away like the coward I am. The people in the back were all whispering. About me.


I was making the gift bag in silence. What is wrong with being with someone that you love? I felt happy with them. Isn't that what matters? I stopped. Is this what sadness feels like? The silence made me feel more alone. I looked into a mirror nearby.

What was I doing? Why am I doing this? My own solemn eyes stared a hole through me. I frowned. Am I truly feeling anything, or are they just feelings implanted in me by the author?

No. I can't think that way, but am I breaking the rules for having feelings?
Narrators were supposed to be as human as possible, just without feelings.

They could get sick, eat, or take a stroll outside. Just without feelings. The purpose was so that none of us would want to stop being a narrator and live life like a human.

I continued to package the gift. My thoughts are just nuisances accompanying me.

Karter's POV
It hurts to think. Just depressing, useless, hurtful, thoughts. We had a good time, didn't we? We kissed, hugged, cuddled. It wasn't just a dream. Right? A smirk appeared, blooming into a smile. Maybe I should just go to confirm it, but I don't know if I could take the rejection.


so I didn't mean to go to Alik's house, but I did mean to. I knew I would be heartbroken (and embarrassed) if Alik told me that none of it happened. But it was worth a try.

I brought my hand up to the door, before hesitating to knock. I brought my hand down... I'm nervous.
I closed my eyes. OK, pretend that you are knocking on a friend's door. Knock, knock. It flung open. I opened my eyes. "Dammit!" I yelled. I was about to do something I might come to regret.I grabbed Alik by the shoulders and kissed them.

"Mmmph!" Their voice was muffled by the kiss, but soon the talking died down. Alik placed both hands on my neck. I closed my eyes again. I slipped my tongue in. They pulled away, gasping for air. Right at the good part.

They smiled, bringing me closer. "I have something for you." They whispered to me. They left, walking back into their house. They returned, with a gift bag. They handed it to me.
"I know it seems very much like a 'cheesy romantic', but I wanted to try it either way." They explained "Can I come in?" I asked.

They stepped aside, giving me permission to step in. I followed Alik to another room. Alik had morphed it into a bedroom. The last time I was here was the first time they had kissed.

I reddened. That scene always makes me smile and flush a pretty scarlet. I placed the giftbag on a bedside table. Just like last time, instead of Alik crashing onto me, we crashed onto each other. Lips entwine once more.

I grabbed them by the legs and pushed them down with my body. My waist was in between both of Alik's legs.
I was crazy in love, and it felt good to be.


Short explanation, yes we did make out. It felt too good to be real, but I don't want to jinx myself. Every moment was like a blessing, a refreshing breeze on a hot summer day. Now I'm in bed, rolling around, hoping everything that has happened wasn't a fantasy.


Hello, my fellow readers! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE writing about these two. Possibly more than the actual fanfiction. I hope you are doing well. I'm happy that I managed to post something, especially on my birthday. (February 3rd lol) Thank you for reading!

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