First Day?

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Happy Halloween My Fellow Readers! I hope you will enjoy this chapter!


3rd Person POV

It was 7:00 am, yet Eddie was still asleep. Had he forgotten today's his first day of work? Perhaps he forgot to set his alarm. He was sleeping soundly as the minutes passed in a flash. He awoke, startled, by a sound emanating from his phone. How gruesome. He groaned as he sat up to see what the noise was. Eddie squinted his eyes and saw that a random number was calling him.

Hesitating, he picked up the phone to receive the call, "Hello?" Eddie asked tiredly. "Eddie!" a familiar voice exclaimed.


"Hey Eddie!"

"How'd you get my number?"

"I have my ways."

"What is it?"


"Oh shoot I forgot about work!"

He went to check the time; it was 7:49 am. Eddie's eyes widened, quickly, he went to check his alarms and saw that he did forget to set his alarm after all. "Crap." He muttered under his breath. "It's fine, I didn't come here to complain about how you were late. I came here to tell you that it's pouring out here and the club is flooded, you couldn't have gone to work either way. So you won't be going to work for a few days since I need to replace everything in the club." she reassured Eddie.

"Oh ok. Hope the club will be fine. I'll be going back to sleep now." Eddie replied. "'Kay, sleep tight. Bye." Sophia said. Eddie looked outside the window by his bed, "Wow. Which girl's heart got broken today for there to be this much rain!?" Eddie exclaimed. He sighed and laid down. "Guess my first day of work's tomorrow." Eddie said. He tucked himself in and settled down in his bed. He easily dozed off, traveling to the land of dreams.


The Land Of Dreams

Eddie's POV

I was on a yacht with bottles of champagne surrounding me. The moonlight reflected off the ocean, highlighting it. A wine glass was in my hand, partially filled with champagne. I was on the bow, sitting on a beach chair. The wind flowing, brushing my hair, as seagulls caw while soaring the nightsky. I looked around, nobody. I was here alone, apart from the crewmates and captain. I lifted the glass up in the air and said, "Cheers to me, I guess." I brought my glass down to take a sip, or rather a gulp. It's not fun to be alone, should've brought some friends." I thought.

I got up from my seat to check out the (or maybe my?) yacht. I passed by the bridge, and entered the cabins. Apparently I was not alone, "Anne? Dan? You guys are here too?" I questioned. "Yeah, you didn't think that you could leave us behind right?" Anne responded. I smiled, I wasn't here alone. "It's quite late, we should be getting to bed soon." Dan added. I nodded my head and we strolled to the berth, chatting along the way.

"See you tomorrow." Dan and Anne said in unison. I walked into my room, the bed was on the left. I was too tired to look around and just jumped on the bed.


3rd Person POV

Eddie woke up to sunlight beaming at his face, "Damn that was one hell of a dream." he groaned. He looked outside the window to see that even though the sun was shining, the rain remained. Eddie got up and off the bed to go to the bathroom. Eddie washed his face, brushed his hair and teeth, and got out of the bathroom.

Eddie didn't want to cook, but his stomach is opposed to that idea. He dragged his feet, all the way to the kitchen. He opened his fridge and found two eggs. I'll just make sunny-side up eggs and call it a day He cracked the eggs onto a pan and waited for the eggs to cook. A little bit after, he plopped the eggs on a plate and got a fork. Eddie turned off the fire and walked to the couch with his food.


After eating and washing his plate and fork, Eddie went back to sleep, he had not planned to do anything else today.

Sophia's POV

I had gone to the club today to prepare like every other day, but today I opened the doors to find water swimming around my feet; I was wearing high-heels. I looked in front of me to see more water coming at my direction. I quickly slammed the door, some water still leaking out, and stumbled back. "Oh come on! It's going to be so expensive to replace everything!" I complained to myself.

I stomped back (or tried to in heels) to my house. My feet were aching 'cause I had to walk back, and 'cause no taxi was available (apparently). "Ugh! Screw you rain!" I grumbled. (I could've sworn I heard a "Screw you too!" somehow. Well I guess I just pissed off a person named Rain.) I got my keys out of my completely drenched Valentino white bag (a new one, not the one that has destroyed lipstick in it) and unlocked the doors.

"Gah!" I shrieked when I saw water flowing throughout my home. At least it wasn't that much water. I gritted my teeth and walked inside, taking off my heels and closing the door. Then I went to search for a mop to clean up the water.


After I cleaned up the water, I went to check my furniture for water. Luckily, only the bottom were wet. Some more dampened than the others, but nothing was COMPLETELY soaked, besides my shoes. My house didn't flood so the rooms upstairs were dry. So the only thing I had to order for my home was new pairs of shoes.

I walked upstairs to take a warm bath and to get out of my wet clothes. After that, I sat down on my cozy bed to order shoes and furniture for the club online. Then I ordered clothes and other interesting items, (of course, they're necessities!) since it was a habit when I'm online shopping. I checked the time, it was already 5:00 pm. I should go to sleep now, I haven't gotten much sleep due to work. Hopefully tomorrow, I wake up to no rain.


A few days later

"I had restored the club to it's former glory, and maybe even better than before. Now I just have to wait 'til tomorrow to start working again!" I exclaimed.


I hope you guys have a Happy Halloween! I'll post a (belated) Halloween special tomorrow or somewhere in the week.

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