Guess Who?

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Third Person

Eddie has been working hard, if I do say so myself. It's been a few weeks, almost a month. Today was something different, a new customer. Not that new customers were that rare, but this one was different. Can you guess who it is? Lovely person from the Halloween party, Sophia's sibling, a random person, or our second narrator (don't bring me into this...)?

The man (that was a clue) had entered, catching the bartender's eye. The bartender Jeremiah never forgot the faces of the customers in the club (what good memory! Shush! I'm narrating this story!). He greeted the new customer, the man said nothing back, quite rude of a person to do so. It was Eddie's shift, well almost the end to be exact.

The man had also caught Eddie's eye too, he squinted his eyes. "I feel like I know that guy." he mumbled. Eddie couldn't see the man properly, after all, he was spinning around. The man had brown hair, brown eyes, and not too outstanding clothes. He was quite ordinary, so what made Eddie feel like he knew him?

Finally, it was the end of his shift, so he could leave and spy on the newbie. He stepped down the stage, hastily walking to the staff room to change. After changing, he walked around the club with his hood on so none of his regulars would see him. The newcomer had blended into the crowd and was nowhere to be found.

Eddie sacrificed his break to find the man (couldn't be me Me neither).


At last, he found the man, with only 7 minutes of his break to spare. He took a good look at the man's face. Turns out, we were wrong! It was not either of the choices, but rather another person. The newbie turned around, yet he was still unaware of Eddie. This time, Eddie panicked and accidentally showed himself to the man. He looked surprised, almost worried and Eddie got to see who he was exactly.

"What are you doing here?!" Newcomer and Eddie yelled in unison. They both grunted, Eddie started, "Answer-" "Answer me first!" Newcomer cut him off. Eddie stepped back, and started again, "I needed this job..." The crowd was getting closer and closer. "Now answer mine." Eddie said. Before the newbie could answer, the crowd rushed, getting in the way of their conversation. (Aw phooey, cliffhanger.)

Eddie pushed through the crowd, trying to find the man. But unfortunately he couldn't and had to run back to the staff room instead due to the lack of time. He had to change and go back on stage.


Eddie's POV

I was on stage, working my shift when a (familiar) man passed by. I squinted my eyes, trying to determine who the man was. He was so familiar to me, but I couldn't tell who it was. "I feel like I know that guy." I muttered to myself. Damn this choreography...If I had known I would've been trying to find out who this guy is I probably would've used a choreo with less spinning and quick movement, but I can't go back now.

I finished my shift and stepped down from the stage and quickly walked (practically ran) to the staff room. I tried to open my locker as fast as I could without messing up the numbers. I yanked my clothes off and changed. I ran out of the room and lifted my hood over my head. I ran with my hands gripping my hood so that It won't fly down while I'm running through the mosh pit of people.

After (probably) half an hour. I found the man. I hid behind a pillar that was oh so conveniently there and poked my head out. I looked at the man, he had brown hair and eyes, nothing too out of ordinary. He turned around eyes, almost meeting mine. "Crap! Did he see me?" I mumbled just a bit too loud. Then that's when I realized he had heard me and seen me. "What are you doing here!?" we asked each other at the same time.

We continued our conversation, until the crowd came back and separated us. Damn it.... I pushed through the crowd, trying to find him. That bastard must've used the crowd to escape.... I gave up and ran back to the staff room to change. I'm pretty sure my break is over already. Back to the stage we go...I guess.


In the meantime...

Jeremiah's POV

A newbie has entered! The man looked basic, probably a level three, those basic skins can be found anywhere. I was rubbing a glass cup and sighed. Did they buy a fake ID or something? Only level 21 can enter Libido Paradox. Oh well, poor man has no experience...In the g-game obviously! Though I have brown eyes and brown hair and many people here do too, he looks more basic than us.

Sophia's POV

"Shopping shoppiiiing~!" I sang. I scrolled, "Ooh those boots are cute. But so are those blouses! And the skirt!" I oohed and ahhed while scrolling through the catalog, wished I could buy everything...But I forced myself to budget myself. It was for the best.

Oliver's POV


Second narrator's POV?

The first narrator sucks (Hey!). Why can't I narrate? (Because you're a backup narrator! Plus, I always do my job!) I rolled around my bed, "Ugh...." I groaned. I wish I could get them to take a break, they're overworking themselves (Oh. Um.). Geez...whatever....I'll just go to sleep.

First narrator's POV

Well I-uh, don't know whatta say...I never thought the second narrator fought with me because of my health. It's kinda heartwarming....Whatever, I'll say sorry to them later.

Eddie's POV

I had finished (finally) my shift and was changing. I was taking off my shirt when I overheard someone say, "I've gotta new customer! Pretty basic looking though. Apparently he knows Khristelle." The next voice belonged to Quinton, he asked, "Who's that again?" I took off my work clothes and wore my normal clothes and rushed outside. I opened the door to see Carolina and Quinton outside the staff room.

"The hot girl-oh hey Eddie!" Carolina cut her sentence short to greet me. "So I-uh may have been listening to your conversation when I was changing." I admitted. "No problem, what we were talking about wasn't too important." She laughed it off.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"About the new customer you were talking about, do you happen to know where he is right now?"

"He left to the men's bathroom, he might've left but he shouldn't be too far."


"Why'd ya need to know?"

"I've got some business with that man."

"M'kay I'll talk to you later, gotta change right now."


I waved to them and they continued their conversation from before. I ran off to the men's bathroom and saw him walking out. "Think you escape? Found you anyways. Now answer me." I stated. His eyes widened and then he sighed, "I've just been unsatisfied recently, and I found this club that just opened my eyes to a whole new experience. I swear, I won't do anything sexual or such." His eyes were full of guilt but mixed with a hint of fakeness and greediness.

I scoffed at him. "Screw you, Dan."


WOAH WOAH WOAH! DAN? Tune in next time to see the after results. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Reminder-If you find anything wrong, dislikable, rude, etc, send me feedback!

Sincerely, your author, Notseggsywoman

1260 Words

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