MERRY CHRISTMAS! (Christmas Special)

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Third Person

'Tis the season to be jolly! Falalalalaaa lalalalaaaaa! Now it's the time to sing it, yeah? Alright, the story will be starting now.

Eddie, Sophia, and Quinton were all in their festive spirits, some might say. Even though Eddie and Quinton never really celebrated Christmas it still put them in a good mood. Sophia yet again, was going to ask Eddie and Quinton to join her for Christmas. She had already wrapped presents the day before and bought ingredients. She made sure she was prepared, unlike Thanksgiving where it was a mosh pit of people in the supermarket, except there was no rock concert, stage, or dancing.

She also wrote a To-Do List, of what she would do Christmas, well, what THEY would make. Sophia was already at Eddie's door, list in hand. The loud knocking noise always annoyed Eddie. It always meant "Sophia is going to drag your ass to her home and force you to do some shit with her," Quinton was fine though. Quinton was always nice and less rowdy.... No offense of course. "What." Eddie said, in a monotone voice, possibly more annoyed than usual. "Christm-" "No." Eddie cut her off, he knew what would happen, he, also, came prepared.

"Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee!" she pleaded. Eddie huffed, he knew it was going to be hard to get her to go away. "Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? You're such a party-pooper. It's going to be fun!" she attempted to lure Eddie. "No." Eddie shot back, maintaining his calmness, which was slowly slipping out of his hands, little by little. The argument(?) went on for quite a while before Eddie finally accepted, he no longer could contain his annoyance. "Fine." he said, taking a deep breath to keep his cool.

He went back in his apartment to change into warmer clothes.Sophia smiled, she didn't like being alone on holidays, it was no fun. "Time to invite Quinton!" she sang. "Ughhhhhhh........." Eddie groaned. He DID NOT want to be walking so much and this early. It was 8:00 am, plus, it was freezing outside. Quinton was a mile away from Eddie's apartment, and a mile and a half away from Sophia's house. "So I'm planning to bake Christmas cookies, decorate the tree, make more desserts, cook some food, play in the snow, and have fun." Sophia showed Eddie her To-Do list.

"Please tell me you bought everything in advance." Eddie said. He didn't want a repeat of Thanksgiving, he was not built to fight 1,000 angry, determined, moms. "Yeah I did, it was H E double hockey sticks to do so. It's difficult when you don't have other people backing you up when you're fighting for eggnog. Or a smart person to do the math for you for Christmas sales. And when you need help carrying groceries because your back, arms, legs, and shoulders ache and you're getting very angry. And when you spend five hours wrapping presents because no Christmas is complete without presents." Sophia rambled.

"Very specific." Eddie responded. Sophia laughed, it was very specific. Very passive-aggressive too. Eddie chuckled, he knew she was probably mad about him and Quinton not being there to help her. They had reached Quinton's home a little while after their chat. Sophia banged on Quinton's door, letting out all the nicknames she created for him. "Quite embarrassing. Especially to yell those nicknames out loud where many many of the bystanders can hear her." Eddie thought.

Quinton was sitting on his couch, pretending not to hear anything. "Gosh....." he looked at the door. His plan was to wait it out, Sophia will stop knocking sometime, right? A few minutes passed by, Quinton still hadn't cracked, but Sophia was still knocking. He looked out the window and sighed, "So stubborn." Ten minutes later and he finally decided to answer the door, who knew knocking could be so irritating? "Fine." he said bluntly, after he opened the door. "That was quick!" Sophia smiled. "No it was not." Eddie told her, his legs hurt from standing for who knows how long without moving.


Eddie's POV

Don't you want to strangle your boss sometimes? Sophia repeatedly knocks on your door every holiday, but you just want to be alone in peace. Then she drags you two and a half miles to celebrate this holiday. THEN more and more chaos arrives every two hours. AND THEN you have to do random crap to celebrate this holiday. But I'll admit it was still fun, minus the walking. We got to her house, this time with no groceries in hand or body parts aching.

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