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Third Person Pov

"I'm sorry." Eddie found himself apologizing. It was his fault Sophia's best worker left. "It's fine. Could you come with me, Eddie?" Sophia sighed. She led him up to her office.

"I haven't been honest to you completely. What was happening to me was that I was being blackmailed by Oliver. He threatened to tell my parents that I ran a strip club. I didn't want to ruin my relationship even more with my parents." Sophia took a breath from all the speaking. Eddie nodded. "They hate me because I am, um...Trans." She explained, murmuring the last part. She looked down.

"Are you disgusted by me?" She sounded like she was gonna cry. "No. Never. No matter how annoying you can be, we're still friends." Eddie reassured her. She smiled. She felt a bit better than someone was by her side.

She jumped onto Eddie, hugging him. Eddie didn't resist, he knew Sophia need a hug. "I'm sorry." He repeated. "It's ok. I realized it doesn't matter what my parents think of me anymore, it'll never be the same. I'm happy that Oliver is finally gone." She tried to smile.

"You should go now." She got up and offered a hand. Eddie grabbed her hand and got up. They both smiled and Eddie left her office. He was going to have to explain everything to everyone.

"What happened?" Venom questioned as Eddie was approaching him. "Ok, so if I put it short what happened was, he asked me on a date, it was awkward, he asked me to stay over, I said no, he got mad, and I left. So he got mad when I was with you." Eddie explained.

"That's...a lot." "Yeah." Both of them stood there in silence. Because of what happened, Sophia had closed the club. Venom and Eddie, who were still in the building, left.


Eddie woke up. I'm hungry...... "What the hell? I'm hearing stuff aren't I?" Eddie sighed. He got up and walked to his bathroom. He got his toothbrush, toothpaste, you know the drill.

He spat out the foam, rinsing his mouth and washing his hands. He grabbed a towel nearby and dried his hands and face. He looked up to the mirror. "What the f-" He fell due to shock. He had seen a creature, a gooey monster with sharp teeth and pale eyes(?).

"I-I'm seeing stuff too huh." He tried to convince himself. Hello Eddie "What is happening to me?" Eddie slapped his face. What are you doing "Who are you?" I'll give you two hints, you know me and my name starts with V.

"No, it can't be." Eddie realized. Venom?
Good job. "But they're a human!" Eddie was confused. I "look" like a human
What? Shape-shifting? Sure, let's say that. I'm going insane. Oh, no, this is all real.

Um, quick! How much did you give me last session? $200. Fuck! You're not going insane, I'm real. I can show you. Venom popped out. "Hello." They were real, or this is all a fever dream, well that's what Eddie believes.

Venom disappeared back into Eddie's body. I'm hungry. What do you eat? Humans. Absolutely not. Chocolate also works. Chocolate it is. Eddie checked his fridge, he had left a bar there.

He unwrapped the chocolate bar. "Uh, here you go." He waved it around.


It has been a few days. Eddie has been living with Venom or what he calls "Parasite." They did go outside for the first time yesterday, to the club of course.

Eddie was on the pole spinning before feeling someone grab his leg. He looked behind him, it was a middle-aged man. "Please let go." Eddie requested. "C'mon, don't be like that sweetheart. Eddie was visibly uncomfortable, one of the rules was to never touch the dancer unless they allow you to.

The other customers began to tell the guy to stop. "Wanna get outta here? And you know." He made a sign (👉👌). He had let go to make that sign. Eddie was uncomfortable. "No way." Eddie rejected him. "Don't be like that sugar." He continued.

The crowd was getting agitated at this point. "Get the fuck outta here dude! Stop harassing him!" One guy yelled. The crowd agreed. The man clenched his teeth and walked out eventually.

Later on, after Eddie's shift, he walked outside to find the same man in an alley. "Aww, came to visit me?" He cooed. The man grabbed Eddie's arm and dragged him into the alley. Eddie's first instinct was to kick the man in the balls, and that's what he did.

"Agh!" The man grimaced in pain. He clutched his pants. "Feisty eh?" The man laughed. No matter what Eddie did the man wouldn't leave him alone. Venom wasn't getting tired of watching on the sidelines.

Can I eat him? No. Don't. I'm serious. Fine. Although Eddie rejected the idea to eat the man, Venom did so anyway, just not in Eddie's presence. Eddie found out anyways, his death was announced on the news. At least the police don't think it's him!

Didn't I tell you that you couldn't eat him? Sorry.


It's been a few months, Eddie has gotten used to Venom, and was possibly falling in love with Venom again. Maybe it was time to admit it? Eddie was unsure. He had already learned everything about Venom, they were close, they used to be in love when Venom was in his human form. But, is it wrong for Eddie to love Venom now? After all, they were so different. He needed to receive some advice.

Eddie had gone to Sophia's office to ask her for advice. He knocked on the door. "Come in," Sophia said. Eddie opened the door and walked in. "Hi, Eddie!" She greeted him.
"I need advice."
"Sure, what's the situation?"
"Remember Venom?"
"Oh yeah! I wonder where he went."
"I sorta found Venom and fell in love with them again. But is it wrong?"
"No! You can love who you wanna. Why would it be wrong?"
"Thank you so much, Sophia. You have no idea what your advice means to me!"
Normally, Eddie would hesitate before taking Sophia's advice. But you know, when people hear what they want to they don't have a second thought. He ran back to his apartment.

His neighbor was still blasting loud music, but that didn't matter right now. He opened the door to his apartment and stepped inside. He closed the door behind him, panting. Then it clicked, Venom heard the advice, because he was there. Uh oh. What you said, did you mean it? Time to come clean. Yes, yes I do. Nobody could see it, but Venom was smiling. I, actually, feel the same way.

Are you serious? Yeah.


Thank you for reading! I am so happy that I managed to post a chapter today! I am so grateful to all of you for keeping me going lol. Thank you. (P.S. Find anything incorrect or weird? Comment feedback! I am happy to take criticism if it helps me make my work better.) Thank you for everything! This book is probably gonna end soon, I don't know. If I have the motivation to write this book might go on. Thank you for reading!

1219 Words

Slut {Venom x Eddie Brock}Where stories live. Discover now