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He's here.

"And now that's fucked up." Jino said before taking another bite of his tuna onigiri.

Eguchi Jino, a former schoolmate from middle school that she once dated for a day because of an activity without even her knowledge and who is also her current only friend here in her college.They first met again during their orientation day in their first year. She didn't expect to be his friend because of what happened back in middle school but since it's not a big deal from both sides they became close.

Eichi learned a lot of new things from Jino since they became friends. One of them is that, he is basically a closet gay. No one knows about it except her after he told Eichi himself.

"Indeed." she replied and sighed.

Currently, both of them are on their break now so she decided to tell him what just happened to her and her ex boyfriend who is unexpectedly also attending the same university as them.

"So? What are you planning to do? Do you have plans to date him again?" he asked.

Honestly... I don't even know myself. I'm always telling myself that I don't have any feelings for him anymore but deep inside... I know there's still a little bit of that feeling hiding.

For the second time, Eichi sighed." I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not. It depends..."

Jino gave her a 'really?' sarcastic look.

"Let's just see what happens." That's the safest answer she could think of right now.

After that they both went back to their classes after that. The semester just started and she could feel the upcoming stress. I wonder if it will get busier than being a second year...

After class, Eichi didn't want to sleep right away so she stayed in the library to pass time or rather... to think about many things such as the pain in the ass as always, Baji Keisuke.


"It's been a while...senpai"

Eichi took a small step aside, trying to escape the small alley of buildings and pinched herself to figure out if this was a dream or not. It's been three pinch and yet Baji is still in front of her.

This is not him. Baji is not this tall. He wouldn't cut his hair this short and he should not be here.

"W-What are you doing here?" she almost whispered her repeated question but luckily he can still hear and understand them.

"I...uh...I'm attending this university." He said, looking away like he's shy after that kiss. Although it's just a peck.

He what?!

Eichi couldn't speak and let out the questions floating inside her head. This is not a good situation as she sees it. She's just starting to convince herself again that she can move on from him and yet he is suddenly here. How surprising.

Since she didn't know what to say, she started walking away instead. But he stopped her by grabbing her wrist and pulling her for a hug that made her freeze in her place with wide eyes.

After a long time, they felt the warmth of each other again. She couldn't help but to smell him like it was a reflexive move to the point that a tear left her eye.

"I missed you..."he whispered with full sincerity in his words and that's when she realised that this is wrong for the both of them. She separated from the hug and pushed him.

"Don't...don't talk to me, please?" she said seriously, thinking what's best for her and maybe...also for him. This is not the time...and not the right one. We've broken up and that's it. There's no continuation for our story. "And act like you don't know me because I will do the same." she added before turning her back on him again.

Baji on the other hand can't help but to feel hurt, yet he should not be affected by it. He is basically back to square one and the only way to get her back is to fix their relationship or build a new one. Neither of the two. It doesn't matter if she didn't want to...I will definitely make her. He positively thought.

"I will make you mine again, senpai! Mark my words!" he shouted and didn't give a single fuck to other students looking at him, as long as he ensures that she heard that then it's good.

---end of flashback---

Eichi messed up her hair and stood up. She left the library and went home.

She changed her clothes and cooked for herself and did her skincare with extra skincare since she got stressed today and this is a rare chance to do so. Eichi wore a facemask, the one with an animal face on it, while watching some movie on her laptop. She's also eating some chips to enjoy and forget things for a while but for some reason a loud bang echoed from her balcony.

Slowly, she checked outside only to find nothing but cluttered clothes from the neighbour''s balcony. The basket looked like it fell from the washing machine making a mess of clothes.

"Hey! Your basket fell!" she shouted. This is the first time in a year that she talked to her neighbour. The first four years she was staying here, there's no one occupying next door until last year. Since last year she hasn't had the chance to meet the person living next door.

Eichi waited for a while for the neighbour to answer and when he did, it gave her goosebumps. Recognizing who's voice is that.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't notice. Thanks for calling me!" her eyes widened as she guessed that it might be his voice that she heard and it turned out she was right.

Baji went to the balcony, wearing nothing but pants and a pair of glasses. He picked up the scattered clothes and looked at his neighbour. He gave a smile on Eichi's surprised masked face. Cute.

"That's a cute pussy you got there" he teased.

"W-w-what are you doing here?! You're not supposed to be here, right?"He chuckled at her cute reaction.

"I'm living here. I'm paying my rent and my bills. Also, It's close to the university and especially, it's close to you." he leaned towards the railing near her and wiggled his brow. Lowkey, flexing his chest. He could clearly see how hard she tries to look at them. Just ask silly. You can even touch them. He thought.

Eichi immediately went inside and locked her door. She put off the mask and closed the lights then went straight to bed.

Are you kidding me?! Are you saying that he's been my neighbour for a year now and I just knew that today?! Just how stupid am I?!

"Ugh! Out of all places!" She covered herself with the blanket.

I will make you mine again, senpai! Mark my words!

With the sudden memory of what he said, it made her groan in annoyance.

Why does he look like it's fine that I broke our relationship? That I hurted and left him?

She uncovered herself and looked at the ceiling. Before she came back to Hokkaido she made up the decision she's definitely going to forget him now and this time for sure, she will succeed. No matter what it takes, she's determined to forget the past.

Is he really serious about getting back together with me?

"What should I do..."


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