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Stop deciding for me, Eichi. I do what I want. And what I want is you. I don't care if you don't want that.

"Hey! Earth to Eichi!" she got a hold of herself after Jino suddenly popped in front of her, clapping his hands.

Eichi rolled her eyes and took a sip from her juice. "Jeez, what took you so long? I have classes at fifteen." she said, looking at her wrist watch.

"Well, I'm sorry bestie. The prof took so much time that's why we were dismissed late." he sarcastically answered, flipping his hair.

She rolled her eyes again. I waited for almost an hour... An excuse like that should not be acceptable even though it is.

"So? What do you want to talk about? Is this something about your ex, huh?" he said like he's hungry for some tea while brushing his hair.

Its quite windy today and only if Jino is not gay, he's burning hot with the wind effect. Actually, not many people know that about him, so many students, especially females are still crushing on him without knowing he's not into girls.

"Some part of it yes, most of it is also yes." she answered.


After hearing that, she proceeds on telling him all the things she hasn't told him yet. Starting from the fact that Baji has been her neighbour since last year without her knowledge until what happened inside his unit. Except for the things they did... Or HE DID on the door way.

All of that and yet what she received instead of some kind of wisdom words or what, he laughed at her. Finding her situation really funny and cliché.

"What's funny?! Jeez, I'm serious about this." she said, irritated. She only got a few minutes left and yet he's like this.

"Nothing. Just thinking about you guys..." he stopped to continue his laugh

"What?" she asked, frowning.

"You guys are still cute just like back then." Eichi sighed. The other day, he's on my side and even concerned about my situation now that my ex is here. And now, he looked like enjoying what was happening to me. What a great friend.

"Argh! Cut the nonsense, Jino! Will you? It's irritating!" she threw her hands in the air signifying that she's totally done with too much bullshit and her friend is not even helping.

"I'm actually problematic here." she added. Eichi dropped her face on the table.

"Oh? I thought you said 'let's just see what happens'? Didn't you?" he said, obviously teasing her. Ugh! Why did I even say that?

"It's not helping." she mumbled.

"You know, Eichi. You should just give him another chance." that made her sit up straight.

"How so?"

"Look, if he isn't serious about getting back together with you, then why is he here? Why is he studying in an area without many universities to choose from?" he suddenly became serious and that made her think.

That's right. Tokyo has more universities and the top ones are also there. So what is he doing here?

But her mind is still stubborn. She shook her head," That's not a reason to justify if he's really serious or not. "she insisted.

That may be a coincidence. What if he has some relatives here? Maybe he fell in love with the scenery here or he just loves the ambiance here compared to Tokyo?

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