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Eichi left her apartment early to avoid people. She wanted to isolate herself badly but she had to focus on her studies. She can't let that ridiculous rumour about her destroy her focus. Just keep your calm. Do your thing just like always. That rumor will surely vanish if I didn't give a single fuck about it.

She took a deep breath before wearing her mask and finally stepping inside the campus. At first, walking alone was good and she felt safe from the stares but when students started to appear after entering the building, her anxiety increased. Every single time an eye looks at her, she looks away just to avoid it.

"That's her right?"

She focused on her step and her breathing. She must keep in her mind that she should not give a single fuck about that rumor. It's not true. They don't know the true story and the world is full of judgemental people. Don't pay attention to them, Eichi.

She breathes and breaths. Even though it kinda felt so suffocating because of the mask.

Suddenly someone bumped her causing her things to scatter. Eichi immediately went down to pick them up.

"Oh, look who we got here." that voice.

Eichi raised her head only to see Miyano. She's with two other girls who also looked so cute just like her but surely have other sides they don't want to expose.

She stood up and walked past them, not wanting any trouble. Eichi had a hunch that Miyano was the one who posted that in the uniweb's liberty wall. If she's not then who else?

Eichi felt relieved that after a few steps she took to walk away from them Miyano didn't do anything to her. But unexpectedly, it was the other girl who's with Miyano who pulled her arms and slapped her in a split of seconds.

She gasped in surprise.

"What the hell..."

"I guess that's enough to stay away from my guy." Eichi's brows furrowed when she said that.

"And who the hell is that?" she asked annoyingly but remained calm.

"Nial. You'd make out with him right?" what?

"What are you talking about? I didn't do that with him. Stop accusing me." I'd make out with him in my DAYDREAM and it was forced! There's no way I would make out with someone in real life!

"Stop denying things." she insisted.

"I'm not denying because there's nothing to deny." She wanted to get out of there quickly. People are slowly gathering in their area just to watch the fight. And her anxiety says no.

"Oh c'mon, senpai. You also did that with Baji senpai right? In front of your door." This time, Miyano spoke. And because of it, she's already certain that it was her who started the rumour.

But why? I don't even remember having a misunderstanding with her except for what happened yesterday. It's impossible that that is the root of all this. That's totally absurd.

"Look, I don't want a fight. You're accusing me of a lot of things that I didn't do, so please. Stop spreading false rumours." she said seriously and was about to walk away again but this time, someone pulled her hair.

She closed her eyes in pain. She wanted to shout but she stopped herself. She doesn't want any more attention.

It was 3 versus 1. A cruel absurd immature fight that she wanted to get out of. She just hoped that someone would call for faculty's officials or just stop the fight, but what does she expect? Those people watching them are also so immature that they even placed bets on which one will win.


Slowly, tears started to fall from her eyes as she helplessly sat on the floor, shielding herself using her arms that's now full of cuts from their long nails.

"Move! Move your shits! Eichi!"

She opened her eyes as if it was a miracle hearing his voice. Finally...

"Move, bitch!" he pushed away Miyano followed by the two girls. He's obviously annoyed and worried. "Eichi, are you okay?" he asked.

She didn't answer. He sighed and carried her in his shoulders. "You deep shits! Fuck off!" she heard him shout.

Eichi cried while being carried. She could not feel the cuts she received, it was so numb. Her breathing's heavy that made her hard to gasp for air.

Moments later, she found herself sitting at a bench.

"Jeez, Bestie. What the hell are those bitches doing? They're so immature." he fixed her hair and took away the mask she uses to hide her face. She glanced at him and she did not expect to see Jino.

So it was Jino all along? I thought it was Baji...

"Give me water." she said instead. With her state right now, she decided to skip the class for the day.


Jino dropped her off at her apartment and stayed for a while just to comfort. But he eventually left since he got a quiz from their major subject.

" I'll be right back after that class. Don't open your cell or I'll punch you." He told her but she just chuckled.

After he's gone back to university, Eichi decided to clean her apartment instead of resting. If I rest, I would surely just think about what happened. Her mind said.

She changed her sheets, cleaned her shelves and redo her dishes because she had nothing to do left.

It was quick that she's craving for something to do just to distract herself. So she decided to watch some movies on her laptop instead.

Way past noon, she got a call from Jino. Saying that he can't get back until evening because of an urgent matter he has in one specific subject. She just let him know that it was ok since she had nothing to do about it. She's not his mom.

After watching three movies, she finally decided to take a nap and just wake up before dinner.


The familiar feeling of someone looking at her woke her up. She's not opening her eyes yet but she knows someone is inside her room except her.

Must be Jino.

"Wake up." The whisper in her ear gives shivers to her spine.

It's not Jino.

Eichi slowly opened her eyes and it was Baji who she saw first. After days of absence, he's finally back.

It felt safe now.

Baji smiled at her and touched the tip of her nose. "You've been sleeping for too long. I'm jealous."

The hell...

"Jealous of what?"

"On the attention you give to your sleep." he said, pouting.

"Are you kidding me?" What a childish man.

Baji laughed and kissed her knuckle multiple times. His kisses reached her cheek and he rained her more kisses. Eichi felt happy that it felt like all of her problems were gone because of him.

Slowly, those pecks of kisses reached her lips and it turned out to be a passionate kiss. Exchanging warm kisses through tongues and exploring each other's mouth, she didn't feel anything except peace.

Is this what home feels like?

Baji broke out from the kiss and looked at her eyes sincerely.

"I love you... Always." he said, but suddenly voices started echoing.

"Your Mom and I broke up. She already signed the divorce papers."

"No matter what I do, it's not working like it used to, Ei-chan. I'm sorry."


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