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"You'll just tire...and hurt yourself."

Baji sighed for the nth time. Shirtless with a can of beer on his right hand, a random tv show playing, lights off and alone inside his apartment is where he is currently.

It's been several days since that day. Before, July 5th was just a normal day for him but after what Eichi told him, it became an unforgettable day that he sees himself remembering once it is already July 5th next year or years.

He chugged down the beer and opened a new one. He's been trying his very best not to bother her anymore just like she wanted, he's not making any more chances to see her in school or bump into her every morning or every time she goes home. If he's been asked how he feels after doing the things she really wanted, he's not fine.

For him, it feels like a big percentage of his daily life has been taken away. Baji couldn't function properly without his daily dose of her. It feels like you're in rehab, slowly taking away your addiction for the better.

For the better? Fuck that... Really?

He chuckled sarcastically upon having that thought. I felt so tired by not seeing her instead. What kind of bullshit is 'you'll just tire yourself'?.

Baji stood up and opened his sliding door leading towards the balcony. Eichi is not in her apartment yet, she went out an hour ago so he's confident that he's not gonna bump into her. Though he at least hoped he could.

The moon is full tonight. There's no clouds nearby that could even light up the whole city. It was beautiful that he felt at ease for a moment. Yet, it was just a moment since the door beside his balcony opened and revealed Eichi.

Both of them we're in shock, not expecting to see each other after what happened in the library. They're shocked because they know to themselves that that is the last day they would see each other. But it was not considering their place, their school, their organisation.. And more.

It was actually a stupid idea.

Eichi cleared her throat, she's also carrying a can but it's tea as what Baji saw. She's wearing an oversized white shirt so he's not sure if she's wearing anything like shorts under it.

"I'll just come back later, when you're gone." The seriousness of her voice is still the same that day. She was about to go back inside but Baji called her.

"Stay. Just pretend that I'm not here... just like what you always do." he said.



Memories from the past keep flooding inside his head. Recalling those times, he can't stop feeling so useless to her. Is that also the reason why it's so easy for her to let go?

Eichi surprisingly stayed just like what he said. They're both silently watching the beautiful moon. She has nothing to say to him that's why she's not opening her mouth but for Baji, he has a lot but is scared to speak up. Afraid that Eichi might reject him again and keep defending her position.

She's right though... There's no reason to argue with this anymore. Because for what reason? Before my reason to keep going was her. But after she turned her back to me countless times, maybe that's an enough explanation to stop this, slowly my reason is fading. Reality is slowly hitting me... Hard.

The reality that she's not wanting anything from me anymore.

Baji looked up to the sky to stop his tears. He did it like he's actually looking at the stars above but it is not.

𝙲𝙾𝙰𝙻𝙴𝚂𝙲𝙴 || Baji KeisukeWhere stories live. Discover now