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Carefully, Eichi closed her door and silently walked towards the stairs. She's trying her best to avoid making any kind of noise that may trigger her neighbour and ends up leaving his apartment at the same time as her.

Gosh. This hasn't happened before. Yeah. That's actually the reason why she's acting like that. Since she finally knew who lived next door, she became more cautious.

She peeked behind to ensure he didn't open his door yet. Usually when she's leaving her place at the same time like today, no one is going out next door. When she knew that she's good to go, as fast and careful as she could, she went downstairs from the 3rd floor to the ground.

How am I supposed to move on when he's literally attending the same school, worse living next door to me?! She mentally whined inside her head. Wait...I could just avoid him right? Like what I was doing before...

"That's right. Avoid him-" just when she's hyping herself up about moving on from her ex, Eichi unexpectedly saw him riding a big bike and was about to take off.

He noticed her and gave her a wave and smile.

"Good morning, Eichi senpai! Do you have morning classes too?"

What the hell? I know he hasn't left his apartment yet since I didn't hear his door closing. So why is he here?! And he's not usually this early right?!

She wanted to slap herself. She didn't expect to see him here first thing in the morning. This is bringing back too many memories! Please, jeez. Go away, I don't want to remember anything.

"And so? What is it to you that I have morning classes? Am I not allowed to have them?" she said, full of sarcasm. Oh my gosh, Eichi! I thought you should avoid him?! What are you doing?!

She's having a little debate with her mind but she's looking all chill and unbothered. Well, she already mastered doing that since middle school.

" That's not what I'm saying. "Baji replied with a serious tone. Eichi rolled her eyes and started walking. The University is a couple minutes away and there's no need to ride the train.

" Hey, senpai! Come have a ride!" with what he said that terrible memory of 'ride' started flashing back on her head, making her stop walking. Baji came up to her with a smirk on his face.

"What's the matter? Do you perhaps remember something good?" Eichi gave him a look.

"More like a terrible one? Tsk." and she started walking away again. He chuckled and followed her.

As persistent as he is, he's walking beside her while holding his big bike and helmet on his head.

"C'mon. It's a free ride, senpai. I won't charge you for free riding with me." Of course it's free. Who would charge someone for free riding? Where's the common sense on that?

"Didn't I tell you to not talk to me? Act like we're strangers.. Jeez. That's not something hard to do'' She stopped walking and looked at him. She can't see how he reacted because of the helmet but based on his eyes, he's probably upset. That's good. If he's upset, shortly he will give up and realise that we have no chance to get back together.

"And as far as I told you, I'm going to make you mine again. I don't care what you say, I'm going to do what I want in order to be mine again. " he replied. Eichi grinds her teeth in annoyance.

"That's not gonna happen."

"I remember hearing the same phrase." she looked away.

"Don't be in denial, Eichi. I know deep inside you want me as much as I want you too."

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