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"Alright. I already gave you your topics, we will start the discussion individually next week. Be sure that you're prepared. Class dismissed."

It's getting busier and busier. Eichi is worried again that sooner or later, she won't be able to get any sleep because of her school work. The season of her skipping meals is already starting.

It's okay... It's nothing more than all the pain I have been through.She encouraged herself mentally and stood up, leaving the classroom for lunch break.

The plan is still the same. Avoid Baji as much as possible. Don't make any unnecessary scenarios that may lead to them crossing paths again. But for some reason, ever since that day from the abandoned building, she hasn't seen him... Which is actually good.

Tsk. Date my ass.

When she arrived at the cafeteria, it had more people than usual so she had a hard time finding a seat. It's quite unusual that with that many people, most of the single seats are taken.

Eichi ended up in a two person table. She placed her things on the other seat and was about to stand up to get some food when her phone rang.

She picked it up and started walking towards the buffet style choices of food.

"What is it?"

[Hey, Uhm... It's Saito.] her brows furrowed.

"Of course it's you. What's the matter?"

[Nothing. I just wanted to hear my sister's voice.] he sounded drunk.

"The hell...Stop being cheesy. It doesn't suit you." she said, "By the way, are you drunk?" she added and it took a bit of silence from the other line.

"Are you heart broken again?" Eichi asked and decided to go back to her table just to talk to Saito.

He's her older brother but when it comes to girls, he's like a big baby. The reason is, he's always crying or drinking after ending a relationship.

[Does it hurt?] She got confused on his answer.

"Hurt what?"

[That. When you guys split up... Does it hurt?] Saito reconstructs his question that made her stunned for a moment. But a few seconds later, she smiled.

A painful yet happy smile.

"Of course. It really hurts but I need to move forward because if I don't... Nothing will happen."

I am grateful that even though the pain is not completely healed, I was able to move forward by myself little by little. If I just have consistency then everything will be a new beginning.

She's also thankful for the noise from the cafeteria after she let out those words. It was like an antibody that stops her from crying.

I'm not crying but my throat is drying.

She heard her brother sighed on the other line and at the same moment, the sound of bottles presented itself.

[Anyways, I'll be going now. You have classes right? I must be bothering you.]

Eichi smirked. "It's okay. I'm on a break."

[Oh.. That's good. Take your lunch then.] After Saito said his goodbye, the call ended. She placed her phone on the table and once again, the question Saito asked her popped up in his head.

Does it hurt? Yes. It really does. Especially that I really loved him... but for the better of the both of us, I need to decide.

That day, there were only two options for me. It's either, I will stay with him, let him continue on being a delinquent and ignore the danger it brings to him or to me, let myself worry the sick out of me until I break... Or, I will leave for my future, for my health and for him.

𝙲𝙾𝙰𝙻𝙴𝚂𝙲𝙴 || Baji KeisukeWhere stories live. Discover now