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Warning: Grammatical errors.


3 years later...

Taking a risk is not bad at all. Moving on is not for everyone else especially when you are destined to be together. Everyone deserve a second chance just like how you tell yourself to do your best next time after you failed.

In every relationship, communication is not a key when you can not understand each other— Comprehension is. Because no matter how much you talk to each other without understanding, you'll end up in the same place and arguing will be endless.

That are some things Eichi printed on her mind to remember. Baji may not notice but she's always doubting herself in their relationship. She's asking herself, is this worth it? Will this last long? Is this the right choice? Do I deserve him? Or does he deserve me?

Those questions gave birth to that reminders for her. She's aware to herself that she's the one who has an issue in their relationship yet she chose not to be vocal. Thinking it might just burden Baji and it is a personal problem she need to fix herself alone.

"Eichi! Can you come here quick?" a loud voice coming from the kitchen made her brows furrowed.

She's having her nice bath and remember how clear she told Baji that she'll be taking a long bath.

"What is it?! I'm taking a soak now!" she shouted from the bathroom. Sometimes, Baji is still a baby that always needs help like he didn't knew how a thing works.

Geez, why is so handful when he's at home.

They've been living together for 3 years now. They are also legal in both sides again and Saito is the most happy one when he heard the news.

Seconds later the bathroom door opened wide and releaved Baji in an apron holding a small bowl.

Her eyes widened and froze in her place. "Yah! What are you doing, you pervert!" she dropped low her body on the tub so the bubbled water she's soaking will cover her naked body.

"Tsk. Stop being so dramatic, it's not like I didn't see all of that." Baji said and walked towards her, while she blushed. Y-Yeah! I mean... It's a different situation! Could he understand that?!

"Here."he handed her the small bowl with a black broth and a piece of peppercorn." I made something new so I need you to taste it. "he added.

"Thats it? You barged in here just to let me taste the food your cooking?" she irritatedly asked after receiving the small bowl.

The broth is giving her a very aromatic sweet-soury smell. Just like Baji said, this is new to her. She have never seen him cook something like this before.

" Yup. Now hurry up and taste it." she rolled her eyes and sipped an amount of the broth.

Just like how it smells, the taste is very similiar. However, it's a bit salty.


"It taste good. Sweet and salty with a bit of sourness. What is it called?"

"It's called adobo, I learned it from Izana. You remember Mikey's older brother?" she nodded when in fact she doesn't have any clue because she knew Mikey has two older brothers and she didn't know who who. "He said it's a Filipino dish so I asked him to teach me how to cook it so I can cook it for you."

Baji suddenly soaked his hand on the water and slowly caress her legs.

"What are you doing?" Eichi glared at him while holding the small bowl. Instead of answering Baji just smiled like he's doing nothing to her.

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