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A second chance.

Here I thought once someone did you wrong from the past, you could permanently erase them from your life and act like nothing happened. But I realised, that kind of strategy to move on is not applicable to everyone else.

In the first place, Baji didn't do anything wrong to me before. He was just a victim of that accident or more likely, that happening at the end of October. He's even on the verge of death.

I was the one in the wrong and had the strong will to break what we already have. The only reason I had that time is, I don't want to think a lot of things about what will happen to him as a delinquent. Because I thought, that will just stress the hell out of me and unravel me from my focus in studying...clearly I don't want that that's why we ended up breaking up.

However, my reason was added up after my parents divorced. From not wanting a lifetime stress to not believing in love anymore. In my mind at that time, why do we even fall in love when you're meant to be broken apart? That strengthens my belief to just continue my studies to be able to get my wanted life as an independent woman. But I don't think I will have happiness once I attain that goal.

While staying alone in Sapporo, Hokkaido, I thought that would be the best decision I had ever made. But from time to time, I admit that Baji still crosses my mind. Many What ifs are in my mind like the what ifs after that break up and what ifs if my parents didn't get divorced. What if he's not a delinquent...Will things go the other way? Will I ever be happy?

I was selfish.

Just like he said, "why can't you take a risk?". Simply because I am afraid. Afraid that what if we're not really destined to be together no matter how much he loves me?

Because of that, I decided to finally give him a chance. I mean, I also did him dirty after sexing with him forcely that night. I know he's mad and didn't want it but I still insisted until he gave in. It's like the situation got reversed between us.

This time, I wanted to take that risk. I'm tired of pretending that I didn't love him anymore because I really do. I want to break that cycle of mine being an absurd pretender and I don't care what will happen next.

"Yamada-san," Eichi opened her eyes and saw Hase, their president standing in front of her. It's been two hours since they arrived and the first thing she did was pick a room and sleep in it until it's their call time.

She sat up and blinked her eyes. "What is it?" she asked. She's still half awake and her dream is still vivid.

"Come down stairs, we'll be having a meeting." Hase informed her and left her room. Before coming to the farm, she was already told that she'll be the leader for the members who's going to be assigned with taking care of the farm animals. That must be the meeting now. She thought.

Eichi stood up and carefully walked outside the room so she wouldn't wake up her other roommates. Once she's at the first floor, the meeting immediately began.


"Since a lot of the members came from Social Studies and works, we will draw lots on where you will be assigned. Leaders are already assigned so if you have any questions or concerns about the work just ask them." Hase announced.

She's sitting on a long sofa alongside other leaders. Surprisingly Jino is also one, and he's assigned in the paper work area. How unfortunate. She thought and wanted to laugh. Oh wait, he hasn't talked to me today except this morning. Is he sulking because we didn't get to sit next to each other? But then she realised, Jino wouldn't sulk in that small thing.

𝙲𝙾𝙰𝙻𝙴𝚂𝙲𝙴 || Baji KeisukeWhere stories live. Discover now