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"Hey, are you heading to Dojo?"

The appearance of Nial, the foreigner exchange student from college of business, made her flinch. The guy laughed at her reaction and asked Eichi why.

"N-nothing. Just completely surprised." or more like, I was being cautious about Baji.

From the past days and experiences, she just realised that Baji is always popping out of nowhere. So she decided to be more cautious about him starting today. Or else...the chance of failing to move on from him will increase.

"Sooo...your next class is also Physical Education, right?"Nial asked once again. They just finished their Ethics subject and based on Eichi's schedule, her next sub is p.e.

At first, she's wondering why she's still taking the p.e class when it is actually not related to her course. But despite that, the cool thing about the class is they are actually the ones who have the freedom to choose which p.e class they would like to take.

And in her case, she just chose the martial arts class. At least, that's what really caught her attention ever since.

"Uh... Yeah. Are you taking the martial arts class, too?" she asked. This is actually the first time Nial talks to her and it somehow confuses her why he knows that she's heading to the dojo.

"Yup. Shall we go together?"

Her brows raised. That was unexpected.

"Uh... Sure. Why not? I don't mind though."

It was really awkward walking side by side with Nial. Because first of all, he's freaking tall that made her look like a missing elementary student inside the college department. In addition, his skin is whiter than everyone else, like a walking tofu on campus. Everyone is literally looking at him. And especially, Nial is handsome. It is actually understandable.

But that awkwardness was just for a little while because he's surprisingly a talking machine.

Asking things that are somehow quite related to their class, some are about how he liked the place and does not regret choosing the country for the exchange student program he applied and basically, some other dumb things that are too dumb to answer.

They talked so much that made her think if the Dojo is too far away or it's just that he's talking nonstop for that amount of time.

"Do you have a boyfriend, Ei-chan?" he asked out of nowhere. They just arrived at the Dojo and some other students are already there and getting ready for the class.

"Ei-chan?" she asked him. Did he just call me by my nickname that only my loved ones call me?

"Yeah? Uhm... Don't you like it?"

She shook her head.

"It's not like that. It's just...only my loved one's can call me that." she answered. They went to the locker side where they will put their things.

"Oh. Sorry. But can I also call you that?" her brows arched. Slowly getting annoyed by him.

"Just like I said, only my loved one's call me that." she said with no emotion at all. Just pick up what I mean airhead, jeez.

Guys like this really annoys her and also one of the reasons why she's not dating while in college at all. College dudes are more worthy to slap with slippers because of how cringy they flirt compared to her experience in highschool.

Nial smirked. "Okay." he said before turning around to go inside the males changing room. She shook her head and did the same.

Once everyone was already assembled inside the Dojo, a new instructor stepped up. He's an old man but really carries an intimidating aura on him.

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