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Man, this is so boring as hell.

Inside the cold office, despite of the weather, where all you can only hear are the sound of the copiers and fax machines and nothing else, made Baji want to dashed out to do other things that will make him sweat. Like what Eichi's team is doing.

But remembering the words Eichi said earlier made him work the best out of his shit even though he didn't want to photocopy papers the whole day.

"Baji, where's the papers?" Jino approached him, "Aren't they done yet?"

"Wait a minute. This is taking longer than ever." he replied while waiting for the copier machine to finish it's work.

The Farm that they're doing their volunteer work is actually a business farm. So technically, if they didn't offered to help out, it will seem like they're already having their internship course.

"So, what happened to you and Eichi? Did you make up already?" he suddenly asked out of nowhere. Baji know that Jino is asking as Eichi's friend and he's convincing himself that he's just worried about his friend. At least that's what I hope.

"We're good... Starting over again." he answered. He admit, he's really jealous to Jino. Do I even need to explain why I am jealous of him?

"Hm, that's good. She's always clueless about things so I hope that she'll decided well this time." he assertively said. Baji's brows raised.

"Do you like her, dude?"

"What?" Jino didn't expect the question and he wanted to laugh out loud. "Dude no. I don't like her."

"Oh really? How can you say so? Being friends is not an enough reason to get close to her, right?" damn, Kei. Calm down, you're inside the office.

But how can he stay calm when the person he's jealous of is beside him? And even prying in his relationship with Eichi.

"Tsk. You really know nothing." Jino whispered, "Hurry up, The meeting will start at fifteen. They need the papers." and that Jino left without answering his question.

What does he mean by I know nothing? Does he have a secret relationship with Eichi? But why would Eichi entertain me?

"Am I getting played on?"

He slapped himself. There's no way Eichi would do that.


Switching places after working at the area where cows and horses, Eichi find herself sorting eggs according to their size inside a white cold room called the sorting room.

She's alone at the moment but Fujino is actually with her at the same place, she just went to the toilet for a second.

Eichi couldn't stop thinking about what happened last night. There's nothing special about Baji cooking for her but what's the real deal is she got a chance to him how sorry she was. It really lighten up her feelings and it feels like she was free from a very huge burden on her chest. She wasn't able got any sleep last night because of how happy she is and surprisingly not feeling any tiredness since this morning.

She smiled. I've decided, I want to build a new relationship with him. There's no reason on denying what's already obvious for her because just like what she said, she's done being in denial.

While sorting the eggs, she suddenly received a call from Saito. She looked around first to see if others might see her taking the call and might think that she's lacking off.

"Hello? What do you want? I'm in a middle of my volunteer work."she whispered, not wanting to get caught.

[Hey, uhm... I broke up again.] what?

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