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A smile formed from Baji's lips after hearing that coming from Eichi. It's not direct but the main point of that simple statement or rather a threat clearly tells that at least she cared for him. Because if not, then she shouldn't have given attention to them from the moment they arrived.

He finally can say to himself that Eichi is jealous. No wait. I'm supposed to be mad at her so why am I rejoicing here just because she's indirectly jealous?

"Tsk. See senpai, she literally just threatened me. Aren't you going to be mad?" Miyano growled which made his brows furrowed. He smirked.

"She's just giving you a warning. Don't exaggerate things, Miya." he said then opened the door so they could finally stay inside. He didn't even like the idea that Miyano would be staying inside his apartment. She's just doing what she wants that is obviously really annoying but since she's a girl, he just couldn't say no.

Once they were inside, Miyano immediately took off her shoes and went inside his room without asking permission.

"Woah! You have a lot of motorcycle posters here senpai! Do you love them that much?" he heard her ask. He shook his head and carried all those plastic bags that she dropped and brought them to the kitchen.

"I don't like them. I just want them to hang in there." he replied. Those posters actually came from Draken. After they graduated high school, he worked inside a motorcycle shop and it just happens that the store has a lot of those he gave Baji some.

He right away prepared all the foods they bought wearing the same apron Eichi wore earlier this morning. When did he learn cooking? By watching videos on the internet and asking his mom through phone calls. He needed to learn because he was the one who's cooking for him and grandpa Sano when they were still living together.

As time passed by, he started realising that he wasn't supposed to be the one preparing because Miyano said she would be. He immediately stopped doing what he was doing and turned around just to see Miyano sitting at the counter and smiling at him.

"Hey,you're supposed to be the one doing this." he said

"But you're already doing so... Hihi" jeez, cringe. He sighed.

"Miya, at least help me. You're the one who wanted this right? Don't be dependent and help me out here." If it is Eichi, she will surely do all of this and won't allow me to help. Well, because she didn't know that I already can cook. If she knew, I'm sure she would allow me to help her.

" What are you thinking, senpai?"He blinked and was surprised by how close Miyano was.

"Uh, nothing." he turned his back. "Here, wash these and chop them off as thinly as you can. Careful with the knife." Baji handed his Kouhai three pieces of potatoes to wash. Miya pouted like she really didn't want to help him at all before standing beside him where the sink is.

"How long have you been living alone, senpai?" she asked.

"Roughly 2 years right now,"he simply answered.

"Are you from another city?"


"Hmm, that's quite far. But why did you choose to live here?" she asked one more. As expected from a business student...so talkative. Can I just stuff some tofu on her mouth so she would shut her mouth? If Eichi was the one here, it'd be silent. Peacefully silent.

" Let's just say someone offered a scholarship to me here. Okay? Now, hurry up. I need to cook those potatoes now or we won't have homemade potato chips." He lowered the heat of the pan for the chips since Miyano is still not yet done with the potatoes. She's not even done washing it. How slow can she move?

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