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"Here. Have a drink."

Baji handed her a can of hot tea from the vendo. After leaving that scene he just made, Eichi remained silent. She's not talking. No words were coming out of her mouth since then.

He sighed. It bothers him but he's aware that it's his fault.

"Look, I'm sorry. But I just wanted to clear your name from that ridiculous rumour. I—"

"It's fine. What's done is done already, don't worry about it." She said coldly before accepting the tea from his hand.

He admits that he impulsively did that without the thought of Eichi getting mad at him. He decided just for himself, convincing that it was a good choice to do so since his intention is actually clear. To clear her name from that false rumour.

Argh! I also told the crowd that we're together... I mean there's nothing wrong with that FOR ME, but for her? It's completely the opposite.

And then flashback of all the things he has done to her since they already met again after five years. Now, he's just realising all the things that he has done are completely the things Eichi doesn't want.

What are you doing Kei? You're making her despise you. The good side of his brain scolded him internally.

But isn't that what you said to her? You won't give a fuck to everything she'll say about you as long as you got her again? The other side joins the head conversation.

Yeah I said that...but now that I realised... Is that really the right thing to do? Isn't it like... I should act accordingly to her wants to get her back? He told the two.

Yeah I agree. That's exactly what I want to tell you guys. The good side said.

Yeah right, but since you have already done it. Shouldn't you at least just continue what you have started and take her back by force? The other side sarcastically replied.

He sighed and disregarded that small discussion inside his head.Baji watched Eichi open the can before drinking. He's silently watching her while admiring her. She's obviously mad but he still has the guts to admire her serious mad cold face.

"Don't you have class?" she suddenly asked, not even looking in his direction even though he's just standing in front of her.

"I don't have any left for this day." Eichi nodded her head and drank the last bit of her tea. That was fast. He thought.

A moment of long silence covered them. It wasn't awkward, just them silently trying to avoid each other's gazes. He doesn't know what to talk about with her now after that small discussion with himself. And because of that, he thought that at some point, he's actually doing something really stupid. Damn, I do look so pathetic.

"Hey, Keisuke." her calling him by his name, made him feel a very familiar feeling in his stomach. The feeling that only her can make him feel.

"Y-yeah?" he wanted to pinch himself from stuttering.

"Let's go on a date."

Baji froze in his place after hearing her say that. Yet, he could feel how his heart pounded hard and fast. Is it because he's surprised? Nervous? Or just simply in love with her?

He could see a mixture of colours and stars behind her like they've gone in outer space where no one's around except the both of them.

Is she finally deciding to give me a second chance?

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