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Drenched in her own sweat like it was a hot summer night. Eichi woke up inside her dark room, phone vibrating. She picked it up and saw multiple missed calls from Jino. She sat up and called him back. It's been a while since I had a dream about Baji.I didn't even wake up from multiple vibrations despite my phone sitting beside my pillow.

While waiting for Jino to pick up the call, she wiped off her sweats using the back of her hands. This is the first time I sweat after a dream though.

[Thank God! You already picked up! I'm worried sick y'know?] Eichi distanced her phone far away enough from her ear because Jino shouted.

"Sorry, I was asleep."

[Just asleep?! You're just sleeping and here I am fucking worried sick about you! That's cruel, Bestie!]

Eichi chuckled. She must be feeling sorry for him to make him worry but he's being funny...even though he's actually not.

"That's why I said I'm sorry." she said and stood up to open the lights. "So, where are you now? Are you already on your way here?"

[About that, I actually am... just a minute ago but suddenly an emergency came up. Are you going to be alright? Or do you want to come with me?]

"Where are you headed though?"

[Tokyo.] Huh? This late? He might arrive there at midnight.

[Never mind, babe. The train's here. I'm really sorry I couldn't come back there. I promise I'll make it up once I come back. Okay? Stay away from sharps.] After the friends said their good bye to each other, Eichi threw away her phone on the bed and walked outside to make herself some dinner. But in the end, she ended up waiting for her instant noodles to cook.

"Oh...I have some bruises..." she mumbled while looking at her arm. Both arms have bruises on them, they're not painful but it's left on an obvious spot. Eichi sighed. I think I'm going to wear something long for the next few days until it fades. She does not have any plan on ditching her classes for days straight, a day is enough for her.

Few minutes later, her noodles are done. She was just about to eat when someone rang her door. She has no idea who it was and she doesn't want to open it but she just finds herself walking towards the door. Are you expecting it was him? That made her stop for a moment.

Yes, because he hasn't been around for days. No, because for what reason?

The doorbell rang again, but now it rang multiple times in a row. She hurriedly opens the door and is not surprised to see him standing in front of her door, holding a black bag. See, you're not surprised cause you are expecting him. Her mind announced its victory over hers.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Uhh...Wanna beer?" She gave him a face and finally decided to close the door for him but he insisted and blocked it with his hands.

"Wait!" he said, "Can we talk?"

"Talk about what?" Eichi asked and crossed her arms. As far as I know, there's nothing for us to talk about.

"I saw the post and someone also posted a vid of the fight. I.. I... How are you?" He looked so worried and sincere that she suspected it was too much. How could he worry like that? We're already done. Cut ties.

"Well, since you're asking nicely then I should answer back nicely as I can." she said and sighed. "I'm fine. There's nothing for you to worry about."

𝙲𝙾𝙰𝙻𝙴𝚂𝙲𝙴 || Baji KeisukeWhere stories live. Discover now