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Making me stay? By what means is he saying? By forcing me to have another relationship with him? By trying hard to do his very best so that I could grant his wish?

Eichi looked away and sighed. She has no idea how she could explain to him thoroughly that she has no intention of riding along on what he wants. She's already decided to cut him from her life. She also said that he didn't have any access to her life anymore and even told him to find another girl yet he's still insisting.

"Stop your illusions, please. If you're not asking me to stay and making me stay instead then can you please stop? This is getting more and more pointless, I'm telling you." She said and grabbed a can of beer.

"It may be pointless to you but to me, it's not. We have a very different perspective in this relationship and I'm making you look in my perspective." He seriously said and snatched the can of beer from her hands. He's getting annoying.

Eichi sighed. There is really no point in arguing with this man. Once he settles his mind over a thing, it's impossible to change it. She thought. All of a sudden, she realised that is his first red flag that she ever saw.

"If you could just-"

"Can't you see, Baji?! I'm currently in the process of moving on from you! Aren't my words enough to make you stop?" she didn't mean to shout at him. She cleared her throat and looked away. "Hurry up and finish your food so you can leave." Eichi chose not to argue with him anymore. At least all she can do now is wait for the time he would give up on her. If she keeps rejecting him and not falling for his traps again, he would definitely give up and stop his idiocy.


The show must go on. She begins the day with a morning exercise that calms her mind and body before going to school. Since the rumours are still on 'hot', she needed that to at least minimise her stress.

"Good morning, senpai." she got stunned for a moment but what'd she expect? Baji is really stubborn.

Eichi locked her apartment door and wore her face mask. "Good morning." She greeted back and started walking towards the stairs with Baji following her.

He's been nowhere to be found these past four days then he suddenly showed up to her last night with beers on hand. That scene is kinda familiar though. She thought.

On the other hand, Baji smiled after he received a good morning greeting from her. It may look so plain like she didn't mean it but at least she greeted him, that's what is important for him. Addition is their small dinner last night. Small progress is still progress, just keep doing what you feel right man. Baji thought.

"It's really cold here in Hokkaido," Baji said, trying to start up a conversation with her while walking down the stairs.

"That's why you should always have a heat pack and wear thick clothes. This place is higher than any other cities in Japan." she answered.

"Do you have a heat pack with you, senpai?" he asked because he has an extra just in case she needs some.

With his question, Eichi stopped for a moment to feel the inside of her pocket. There was nothing inside, which means she forgot her heat pack.

She was about to step up back to her apartment but Baji held her hand and placed a heat pack there.

"Here. I'll lend you some for today." he said and gave her a smile.

"Take it. I have my own inside." Eichi refused and gave it back to him but Baji didn't accept it.

"You're getting late, senpai. Take that, I don't mind though." because that really is for you. He thought.

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