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So he's my seatmate huh? Is it intentional or just by pure luck? Should I move from another seat or should I stay here?

"Stay here, Eichi. There's no harm sitting beside me." his cheerful tone and smile seconds earlier vanished and was replaced by a serious tone and face. He said like he knew that she's thinking of switching seats.

Eichi couldn't do anything so she just nodded

Since their space is not that wide enough, she can't decide whether to put her bag under her seat or just hold on until they arrive at the farm. She scratched her forehead and Baji saw how stressed she is figuring out what to do with her bag.

"Give it to me." she's not even responding yet but he suddenly grabbed her bag and he's the one who put it under his seat.

"How about your bag?" she asked wondering if there's enough space under for her and his bag.

"It's fine. They won't get smashed there." he simply said while fixing the bags. After he's done, he stared at her and immediately looked away.

Ah~ I can't see myself sitting awkwardly beside him for hours. She silently thought.

"Hey, Eichi senpai. Switch seats with me." Suddenly Miyano popped in front of them. Crossing her arms and pouting her mouth.

"Why? Didn't you hear what Pres said?" Eichi asked the brat.

"Because I want to sit beside Kei senpai and I don't care about what pres says." she stubbornly replied. Eichi couldn't stop herself from rolling her eyes. Miyano is really getting on her nerves early in the morning.

"Miya, stop that. Go back to your seat and don't be too stubborn. You're the only one who got issues in your seat." Baji butted in.

"But senpai, I want to sit beside you~"

"Miya, stop it please. Go back to your sat and don't be a brat." tsk. Serves you right. Baji is actually mad at you right now.

Because Baji said that, Miyano can't do anything about it so she was left defeated. Eichi heard how Baji sighed once the kouhai was finally out of their place.

"She's really a handful. So stubborn." she heard him whisper before looking at the window.

Few minutes later everyone finally boarded the bus and it's time for them to depart. Jino is the last one to board and he's actually seated right behind the driver so they're far from each other.

They're not talking to each other since they left the school grounds. He's just looking at the window and probably listening to some music on his left ear from his earphone. Eichi couldn't find anything to do so she just did the same and shuffled her music player. Trying to take a nap instead while they're on a ride.


What's taking her too long? Please Eichi talk to me please... I'm just here waiting for you to take some random shits with me.

It's not obvious but Baji is actually itching to talk to Eichi but since he's kinda prideful because of the last thing that happened to them, he stopped himself from opening a topic to talk about with her. He's thinking that at least she wanted to talk to him.

He's already done listening to his first playlist and his butt is slowly starting to get numb from sitting. His eyes were near to be glued to the window because for how long he's been staring at it and stiff neck is on its way to him. Fuck this pride. I badly wanted to talk to her even if it's just random things, that's fine.

𝙲𝙾𝙰𝙻𝙴𝚂𝙲𝙴 || Baji KeisukeWhere stories live. Discover now