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Baji woke up alone inside his room. Naked with nothing but his blanket covering him, there's space beside him. She left huh...

He picked up his phone that showed the 7:17 am time. He'll be late for his first class if he won't get up now. Not wanting to leave the bed and just wander about Eichi again, he chose not to and decided to just spend the day going into school like nothing happened. I bet she'll be doing this also... I mean that's how she's always been. He thought.

But what does she mean by 'for the last time'? Is she leaving again? That easy? After sex she's leaving me hanging again with no explaination why we had sex? Or was that her way as our closure before she left again?

That's freaking bullshit! After I struggled for accepting the fact that there will me no us again, she appeared to make sex and then she's leaving again? How ruthless can she be? She's not even considering my feelings for her.

Oh wait, did she even do that?

But to Baji's surprise when he went out from his room wearing only his boxers, he saw Eichi doing the dishes wearing one of his shirts.

He literally slapped himself to make sure that he's not dreaming, loud enough to make her turn around.

"Are you for real?" he asked, full of sarcasm. He didn't mean that but he somehow felt that he needed to say it in front of her.

"Hey... Uhm... Good morning. I made you breakfast." she said, can not maintain a straight eye contact with him. Baji smirked.

"That's good. I guess." he said, trying to catch her attention. When he figured out that he can't because of how anxious she is, he walked towards her and held her chin.

"Can you please, look at me in the eyes for a sec? Please?" he asked, putting emphasis on every word he just said.

Eichi looked him in the eyes. That familiar sight reminds him of the past. Fuck this, why does everything reminds me of her? Baji clenched his jaw with that thought.

" I said, look at me. Not give me that look you used to give me before."he stated that made her look at the other way again.

"Sorry." she mumbled.

"What are you doing here? Why did you make me breakfast?"

Eichi gulps about his expected anger. She knew that he would be mad if he saw her still here. She knew that Baji would hate her more if she chose to stay after saying those words last night. Or worse.... After doing the wrong things last night.

"Why do you like playing mind games, Eichi?" he asked once more. His furrowed brows clearly tells her that he's actually mad. Who wouldn't? Even me is mad at myself...

"I'm really really really confused, Eichi. Why do you keep messing up with my head? The last time we saw each other, at the library, you said to stop all of this shit because you don't want to so I stop even though I don't want to. But then last night, you appeared in my balcony and had sex?"he asked for the third time bot giving her a chance to talk or she's just basically wasting her time to talk.

"What am I really to you, Eichi? An ex-boyfriend? An acquaintance? A friend? A neighbour? A fubu? An emotional toy?" Baji can't believe to himself that he's actually asking her this. All of his questions are unconsciously coming out from his mouth like they were his hidden damages that need to heal.

Eichi pushed him away for a little while and turned her back to him. Slowly, she's untying the apron she just borrowed.

"You know what you are to me, Baji." she said. I'm sorry, I'm also confused with myself."You're my ex-boyfriend. My ex-acquaintance, an ex-kouhai, an ex-friend, an ex neighbour—"

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