Chaplter 31

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I sat there staring at the white grown as my feet candencung back and fourth. I looked around the cold  and pale space as my thigh didn't copperate with the stingy hard paper. I never in a million years thougt I'd be here. I have morals. I wonder how dissapointed my parents are right now. The doctor strolled in eyeing and flipping through the paper as I tried to sneak a look. My hands were shaking. He neeled his glasses as Liz clentched my hands.

    " Ariana the results are negative" he said in a calm deep voice. Every word that I said to Harry was for nothing. My brain started hurting it wasnumband felt muzzled. I spent 2 weeks crying my eyes out ,for absoulutely nothing. I tear rushed passed me landing on my bare thigh. I slowly got of the high bed and slowly walked out. The hospital was all white. Leaving Liz behind realising that I kept walking straight every time I got a little farther a light got turned off. 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 days later.

  I was still numb and in awe. Finding no reason to get out of my bed,  I heard a knock on the door. It arrozed me but I didn't bother. "LIZZZZZZ THE DOOR" I said trailing off as I flipped he television. There was no answer as the door bell rang again. "LIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" I yelled on the top of my lungs. I shaked the covers of my body revealing the frosted air. I tremebled down the stairs and opened the door.  I peered up to see Zayn. What was he doing here?"Ariana can I come in?" he asked. I looked around anywhere except his face . "Uh ye-yeah" I stumbled as I let him in then made a scowl as I closed the door. I led him up the stair.I stared deeply into his face with the most non expression look. "So ..what ?" I blankly said.  His big bear warm but rough hand nuzzled up to mine. " I heard about what happened to you and Harry.." he said staring deep into my eyes as all I can reflect on were his pool of brown . I stood silently.

      He unhooked his hand from mine, He got more comfortable as he slouched."Well what happened?" he said using his hands for expression. "Nothing happened our love just needed a break .." I said getting up trailing off to the kitchen noshalontly . "Ariana there has to be a reason" he said standing up. I picked up a knife a grabbed the nearest bananaand starting cutting it as I heard him speak. " I don't  have to answer to you, for all I know you could be Harry's little spy" I said waving the knife around then continue to violently chop the banana. He rubbed the back of his hand.

    '' Well Harry is hurt.." he said quietly . It didn't seem to affect me that much. I was hurt to did anyone seem to care about that? "Well aren't we all in this world" I scofled chucking the Banana pieces in the blender. "ARIANA !" he raised his voice that startled me as I froze from putting the rest of th fruit in . I eagle eyed him for a good minute until he started again ."ARIANA YOU KNOW DAMN WELL THERES A REASON ,WHY ARE YOU SO DIFFICULT?'' he yelled that echoed through the house rasing his arms. " I DONT KNOW ASK GOD !" I screeched with a comeback. Their were so many things going on at that moment that I just continued to focus on my smoothie from avoiding Zayn. "Why did you come over here any ways ? HUH TO YELL AT ME FOR BEING A BAD PERSON I KNOW WHAT I AM ZAYN DO YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW" I wailed throwing the knife down . 

 He then rushed to the kitchen . I was frightened that he might of hit me. My eyes widened as he came racing towards me .  I turned back looking around incase my reflex didn't come in soon enough . He then came rushng toward my face as he lips smacked mine. His lips moved along mine as I was so in awe I didn't know what to do . It was the most craziest thing. My life is complicated. He slowly pulled apart and stared at me. I slowly backed up as my eyes crosses around the room . I was speachless . I thought he hated me . Why did he kiss me?  

         He then stormed out the house trucking down the stairs as I didn't bother to watch him leave instead looking around biting my thumb nail. I heard the  door close and I seeped my fingers through my soft flowery hair.  What the actual fuck just happened. I stormed back to my room as I picked up my phone and quickly rang Liz. It rang as I  stumped my foot impatiently . She finally picked up as I cut her off " LIZ I-i was here and then Zayn asked to come in so I didnt know what was going on then he yelled at me then -ki-kissed me " I said fast and studderng. "He kissed you ?" she said in shock ."YES !" I said eagerly but stress full as I pulled a curtain of hair behind my ears. "What the hell !" she seemed to be getting mad. "I'll be over in a sec" she said quickly before hanging up.

    I hung up pacing back and fourth through the living room for a while twenty minutes .As I waited for Liz I t finally annouced that she was their. She rushed through the door "Ok so he kissed you !?" she frantically said talking over her jacket. "Y-yeah and I don't even..." I said. I held my hand to my forhead as I felt it throb. There was so much going on in my life that was messed up. This is not who I am . 


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