Chapter 25

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             Hey guys I want you to play the song on the side bar while reading this it helps the story.

" I want you to take your stuff and your self out " She said as there were boxes tormenting me all around. "I am sick and tired  of you disrespecting me if you cant live under my rules" She screamed. I didnt know what to say . I screaned and tried to take the boxes up stairs but she only rebeled and tried to take the boxes. "STOP STOPPPPPPPPP" I screamed trying to put the boxes back. I was honeslty crying at the moment. "SINCE AGEE 5 YOU'VE PICKED WORK OVER ME WHERE AM I SUPPOSE TO GO" I yelled. "Your 19 remeber go take care of yourself" she said.  I nodded as I felt a tear roll down my face. I took my stuff from her hands . "Oh yeah and im not paying for your car anymore so you cant drive it." She said. I planted my face in my hands. My life is over.

             "Hey um Liz *sniffle* um yeah can you come pick me up please" I said barely peeping out a word because my emotions took over.

             "Are you crying babe what happeed" she said. 

           "Um my mom through me out can you come get me like right  now" I said crying.

            "Oh my god are you serious ok im goig to pick you up right now and dont worry I have you" She said. 

            She hung up. I looked around. I was never much of a crier honestly I tried to gather myself. I whiped my face and started playing with my hair. 

                     She picked me up and then led me to her house. " So you can put your boxes in the guest room and make yourself at home" She said. "Oh and since your gonna be here you should make it you ,ya know paint it maybe" She added. Liz was my only true friend that I can revive on. I loved her fot  that. She took me i n when my own mother didnt want me .

         *the next day*

         I woke up to the smell of strawberry pancakes. I rose up out of the bed with my pajamas. 

      "Hey babe I  made you pancakes" Liz said flipping the pancakes and setting them on the table.

        "Thank you so much" I said with a slight smile.

   "Aw its just pancake's " She said.

 "No I meant for taking me in even when my own mother didnt want me"  I said playing with my fork.She stared at me. She got up and whiped her eye . She leaned on the counter. "You know im always here for you" she said whiping her eyes. I got up and started hugging her. 

           I took a shower and got dressed. I had an interview. I wore a bandea as a shirt. And a high wasted rounded medium length skirt  with sparkly heels. "Have fun " said . I was going to be on the Jimmy kimmel show. I was a big fan of his. I put my hair in its regular pointy tail wiith the curls at the end.

       "Thanks " I said blowing a kiss to her.

        Everything backstage was hetic. I honestly didnt know what was going on. I didnt know I wasnt suppose to do my own makeup. I was backstage and this lady got me ready for my cue. "And now were here with the lovely ARIANA GRANDEEEE" I heard him say as the corwd cheered. I walked out and waved to my fans . 

      "So hi Ariana " He said.

  " Hello " I said.

    "So ... how are you" He said immatating my sweet voice.

 "Um im good yeah ive been working on an album and a movie and its been great " I said.

   "Ok so lets talk about your boyfri- I mean album" He said jokingly causing the crowd to laugh as I covered my face.

         "Um my album is more of a Vintagy old holly wood type of  music and its oming out in august" I said.

  "So what  would you say your favroite song on the album" He asked.

         "Probally pink champagne I think its really sweet and its about love " I said nodding.

    "So is this song about a certain someone .....maybe a certain...boyfriend ...mhhh maybe some one in your life" He said causing the crows to snicker.

  "Um maybe " I said .

  "Maybe the old good HARRY STYLES FROM ONE DIRECTION" He screamed as a Plaster of Harry popped up   on the screen behind us. I laughed.

\ "Oh my god how'd you get a picture so big"  I asked in amazment. 

        "Uh ya didnt answer the question" He said. 

     "Uh yes ok I said it " I said chuckling.

      "Ok ok so what is Harry like"  he said.

  "Uh hess great hes actually a very kind perso in my heart and  hes funny" I said. 

 "So how does he feel about your new movie is he jelous" He asked.

         "Um I dont remeber bringing it up but yesturday all the boys and Me an Liam's girlfriend Danielle were watching Victorious and my charcter has to play with Leo Thoma's charcter Andre and he was like whos that" I said immatating him an the crowd laughing.

           I was in love with Harry and I wanted the world to know 

Living in the moment  (harry styles and Ariana grande  hariana  fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now