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Squirming out of my seat of the car I quickly made my way out of the bulky black range rover. "Ehhhh" I screamed to myself I saw the huge studio with loads ofs security. Analyzing the big black and white shiny glass .As it looked like a big coperatee building. Holding my arms against my chest in ecximent I skipped to the entrance. Being blocked by loads of security peering down on me. As I reached for the door knob carefully, I quickly got exiled and rushed into the most dramatic moment. "INTRUDER ,INTRUDER! " many of them yelled as they pulled out their taser. Popping out in the right time Justin appeared. In an all black outfit with black shades and his hair whipped to the front left making a swiff .

"Woah ! WWoah guys she's with me this is lovely ariana" he said while making eye contact with me as my cheecks turned a shade of an old ladies blusher . Twirling a curtain of hair swiffing it back behind my ears as I smiled and looked down to the ground. "You should respect are guess'' Justin spat at one of the security guards whilepoking angrily at his chest. "Oh no ,no it's fine" I said rushing up to Justin while placing a hand on his shoulder gentily and the other hand on my chest.I was already in a whimscle state of mind knowing I was touching Justin Bieber. We soon made eye contact as I giggled knowing it was my fault. Justin dissapeared into the buillding as I was supposed to follow forward.Turning back to say something at t he security I said "Hello i'm Ariana sorry for the incedent" I apologized while fixing the mains creased ruffled suite caused by Justin. A beam of sun rays coming from my mouth toward at the security hoping he forgave what happened.

Justin constructed me through the hallways . I saw pictures of big artist filling up the space on the wall. From Beyonce, Shakira ,to Justin. I glided my small hand across the walls .Justin grinned back at me . When I saw the way Justin smiled at me I saw Harry. We finally got to the main studio where there was professional equitment. I peered at Scooter and Kenny. "Hi ,how are you" I went in for the hug with a smile to both. "How're you?"Scooter asked me. I answered " I'm here so..feeling blessed" I tried to respong with a humble answer. "Well Ariana we were sent over your 2 songs by republic records and we want you to finalize them and Perform them at the MMA's. (idk if thats a real music award lol).I began to shake and crumble. "WAIT ME?" I asked in shock while bulting out my eyes while putting my hand over my hand over my mouth. "Also..." he continued. " You have the opportunity to perform your cover of Justin's Die in your arms with Justin. My eyes widened like the pacific ocean. It was weird that all this good stuff was happening to me. Justin smiled and said "Aww" and went in a hug with me and rocked me back and fourth. This was getting too good.

*Few hours later*

Me and Justin had been rehearsing and dancing which literally feels like forever. I busted a move and ended up on my ass. I bundled up like a shrimp and covered my face with my hair .All I could hear is Justin balling laughing.He pulled out his phone and instagram video this moment."Oh lord no Justin

" I shrieked more .He bent down on the floor with me and said '' This is what rehersals consist of " With a cheeky grin. I uncovered my face with my hands and looked at his phone and said with a grin "You suck .haha" .His instagram video was interupted by a call. He walked over to the corner of the studio as I looked over onto the mirror sorrounding the big room .

I detected Justin laughing and saying " yeah bro alright " then hanging up the phone and smiling a big cheese across his face at me . I tried to pretend I wasn't looking at him by looking the other way. He then rushed over to me taking my hand and took it making me catch my breath . Him twirling me around as my limp body followed by his movement . My arms bandaged around his shoulders . I looked into his dancing eyes as he searched my body . I giggled and looked down holding his chin and raising it up to my face . My lips were calling his and his were calling mine .We moves inches together his lips almost intertwining with mine. Suddenly the door swung open like wild winds were controlling it. I detected alot of noise as my eyes widened from their squinch as I heard the similar accents. " Woaahhhhh " I heard Zayn and Niall call out . Justin giggled and looked down as his cheeks started flushing red . He then removed from my hold to go greet them. I instantly turned around covering up and shoving a curtain of hair behind my ear. I could feel Zayn stare down on me hard as my body heat started to rise . I looked down at the floor as a quickly grabbed my bag from across the studio . " Um I have to go .. " I trailed off to Justin speaking under my breath not making eye contact . The boys set out a piece of pizza as Justin swiped a bite . He quickly grabbed my arm and with a stuffed full of pizza trying to makeout " alright ill see you at the MMA's " he said quickly pecking my lips as the grease transferred from my lips to his . I quickly looked down pushing my way out of the studio .


Me being here gave Ariana the Mose uncomfort I expected . I loved it because I was mad . She easily rushed out as a took another bite of pizza and then mouthed " I'm gonna go to the bathroom " I exscuse myself . Making my way out the studio I spotted Ariana . Running up to her and crashing her against the hard wall. She scrunched her face and refused to open her eyes. " Oh you think nothing happened that you can just run away from me every chance you get ..." I spoke out to her while squeezing her arm . " Leave me alon-" she whispered while looking tight . " So were just going to pretend like that kiss didn't happen " I said as I looked down her body . Her big brown eyes whimpered to me . I smashed my lips down to her . Massaging her my lips with her It was like the first time we ever kissed. Her lips remained frazzled with surprise and as it was in the moment a flash spoke up to our faces . A few flashes then alot of flashes . She seperated our lips quickly and turned to the paparazzi . " FUCK see what you've done now " she yelled at me pushing me off of her quite strongly. She ran out the building full of papparazi .


I swung out the door of papparazi as swiping off my lips with my sleeve. Obviously swiping a tear off my face as papparazi screamed to me. 'Whore ' and other things about harry . One papparazi even pushed me as I broke into my car as fast as I can .

Nothing will ever go right in my life ....



Living in the moment  (harry styles and Ariana grande  hariana  fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now