Chapt 21

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     ....Are lips didnt fall apart leading the way to the bedroom. We slowly leaned onto his bed.  We did and awkard stand bend things as he bent my iback back ward as we still kissed. He held my arms above my head. In between are kisses he whispered "I love you". I wrapped my legs around him as he stood me up and laid me on the dresser. He kisses were light  but powerful. Each time his lips moved with mine it sent goosebumps down my arm. I intertwined my fingers in his hair. He  layed me back on the bed. "we cant do this here not with all these people here" he said while giggling." aw your teasing me arent you" I said whispering as I started to unbotton his shirt. "Hahe stop it " he said smaking my hand playfully. " I think im ready to start over if you are" I said hoping for an answer.

        "Why start over when we can just continue where we stopped"  He said. I looke up at him while playing with his shirt "please dont break my heart" I said. He looked into my eyes and said " I'm not playing on too" He said kissing me .ASDFGHJKL so many things were going through my head. "Listen Ill set up a special time I want our first time to be amazing" He said. "well what happened to being spontanious " I said."Maybe we should go back outside" I offered. I started to get up because i was a little bit pee'd off.  He grabbed my arm "ok spontanious I promise you wont be expecting it" He promised. He came up behind me and linked are arms and walked with me. "are you happy because imhappy" I said looking back. "very so " he said. He wrestled me down back to the bed. His lips brushed against mine. I looked up at him "no more smoking" I directed. "Honestly I only smoke because you were away it was my way too cope ".  I pushed him up and kissed him. I sat down on the edge of his bed properly and wrapped my arms around his neck. He picked me up with my legs and drapped me back to the barecue.

        Liz ran up to us " ooooo youu guysss" she said still completly drunk im guessing she took more shots . I laughed at her becuase I was still drunk too. Harry dragged me away from her but taking my hand. We sat down at the nearest table as he sat me on his lap. I bopped to the beat of music. I started to shake my butt not realising that I was still on Harry's lap.He grabbed my waist trying to control it as he jokingly wispered in my ear "Hhah stop".I got up and started dancing with this random girl but she danced with me.Back in time by pitbull was playing. Everyone was forming a slight circle around us but not watching us but dancing with us.  It was probally the most fun I've had. The song was over and I barely walked over from a laughing attack. " are you having fun " he said while smiling while his deep dimples seeped through his cheeks. "why wont you have fun" I said in sad voice. "I am dont you see me " he said ruffling his hair then looking at me. "Well I mean like dancing or eating" I said. "Well alright" he said getting up. "Well alright " I said mocking his british deep accent. He looked at me. We walked over there to the buffet. He picked up a cupckake" See fun living" He said taking a bite out of the cupcake. He kissed me long but soft while having the cupcake behind my back. He compared the red velvet cupcake to my hair .  Some person came up to us and asked for us to take a picture. Harry held the cupcake up to my hair and posed ."Thank you " the man said .  

                     *3 hours later *

       Everyone started leaving . Liz was no where to be found . "LIZ" I screamed . Niall said "oh Zayn drove her home " he said while barely standing with a drink in his hand. Harry was   in his room. "well my ride left so would you mind if I stayed here."

Living in the moment  (harry styles and Ariana grande  hariana  fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now