Chapter 14

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       Its been a day and all I can think about it Ari. Its crazy . I dont understand I never been so Inlove with agirl.I love the bright elvet soft of hair,the way she smiles when nothing is funny,the way her teeth are perfectly straight,the way she curls her hair at the end,the way her kisses left me speechless,and most importantly the way she loves me. I loved her she just doesnt know ..she just doesnt know. 

     I didnt bother to text her because she hates my guts. I stayed up for two days straight thinking of her smile,her hugs,her story,her . At the moment I didnt know what to do I felt sick. I worried ,I get anxiety to punch everything in my path.  I got the sudden urge to hate everything in the world ,I want hungry,I wasnt happy,I wasnt myself. Ariana most definatly had a impact on my life . Love.

  Ariana's P.O.V

       I exactly dont undersand why he did it. I loved Harry ,but I didnt love what he did. I got my phone and looked to see if Harry texted me but he didnt ....but  Niall did?

Hey ariana Harry's worried sick about you please answer atleast will you talk to me.-Niall 

  Why he cheated and why would he be worried he wasnt worried when he kisssing that girl.-Ari.

   He didnt mean to honestly a fan was drunk and came in to get an autograph and kissed Harry and you just so happened to come in at the wrong tim -niall

 Im going to bed havean a nice night-Ari

 ARIANA your not listening your not it was a kiss it happens he didnt have sex it was merly a kiss sometimes people do things that they regret and I can learn please just think about it hes punching walls and valuable stuff its really hurting all of us I understand I dont expect you too love him right away but please come over next week ill give you sometime-Niall

   Goodnight -ari

   I went to sleep actually wondering if I loved Harry .

Living in the moment  (harry styles and Ariana grande  hariana  fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now