chapter 15

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*week later*

  It was the day that me and Niall  agreed that I'dcome over. It was the day I see his face. I wore a white t shirt with a trench coat,blue jeans, and blue pumps. I put my hair in the usual and stepped out. I got there in 20 minutes. I knocked on the door and Liam answered "we've been exspecting you" He said walking up the stairs with me. "Yeah.. I heard " I said blankly. I saw Harry pass by and try to hide. I saw have a look on his face like he just seen a ghost. He looked at me and didnt smile or frown he just stared as I pass by him. Niall came up to me as he hugged me while my hands were in  my pockets. 

     Haryy sat down across from  me . " I ..I dont know how to say thi-" He said studdering until I cut him off. "Look Harry what you did to me was more than sorry put me in pain and just to think I trusted you Harry .. and you lied and I dont if I can except that . Harry I loved you and now I hate you" 

Harry's P.O.V

 and those were the last words she said to me before she left to to germany ...

Living in the moment  (harry styles and Ariana grande  hariana  fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now