chapter 22

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He summoned me on to his bed. I hovered over top of him. He put his finger through my hair and pucked his lips on mine . We got really deep into it. I closed my eyes and only spent time on us. His  toungue rolled around in my mouth. Are mouth's moved in sync'd as his hand started reaching up under my shirt. I put both of my hand under his shirt and felt his hard warm toned stomach.

   After making out for approxiatmonly 45 minutes ,He gave me a small kiss on my noes. I kept on pecking him until he blocked it. We started playing blocking arm fights and then started wrestling. "Harry ahah" I said as I sqealed. He tried to pick me up but I kept on blocking him. He put his legs on each side of me and put my arms above my head. "Harryy" I said yelling. "Nope call me daddy "he said in a jokingy voice.  I somehow got out of his strong grip and turned him over. He  layed on his back as  I put my on legs around on both sides back wards. I picked his legs off the ground and chanted "say uncle" ."Uncle?" He questioned. "Its something we say in america like I give up" I said explainig ."Never"he said lifting me up with me over he shoulder with my butt in the air. "Hahah "." Well do you have pajamas I can borrow" I said as he plopped me on the bed. " Um I usually sleep naked but um.." He said looking in his closet.  He grabbed an over sized sweater with a small owl on it.   He handed me the things as he sat down.  I took off my shirt in a sarcastic sexual way. I pushed Harry lightlty. I was in my bra when Harry wrapped his arms ffrom behind me while he was sitting. I had on a light pink satin lace bra ,I liked it alot. "Look at those chugglies" He said as he joked. 

             The door blasted open as we thought it was Liam because he never knocks. "Lia...m..-" He said befor her realised it wasnt Liam it was Tarah."Tar-ah" He said with the most confused look with his abrow raised. She looked at us with her arms raised. I immeditly jumped out of Harry's arms and passed her into the living room with out any clothes. All the boys were in there when I just sat down with my arms folded. Niall whistled when Zayn laughed and Louis hit him. "Whats the matter " Liam asked. "And why are you do you only have a bra and under wear on Niall asked while chuckling. "Well I was getting dressed when Tarah came in so.. now im out here stupid hoe" I said looking forward.

           Harry's P.O.V

 Tarah barged in with out any permission when me and Ariana were having a moment. "What the fuck Harry you having play things with her" She screamed. "Im not gonna be rude but me and you were never together honestly look it just hapened" I said calmy. "I dont understand how you just do this how you can lead me on " She said in anger. "It just happened  I really think your beautiful and cute and charming and funny but ive been in love with Ariana" I said. "Oh really" She said stomping off.

      Ariana's P.O.V

  She came stomping to the living room. "Oh your the slut Harry's been with get up" She said hovering over me while I sat. I shot up and looked her in her face "What the hell are you gonna do " I said standing in her face.  She pushed me when Islapped them away.  I slammed her to the ground when we were rolling over eachother. All the boys were trying to get a grab of us when we just wouldnt let go. I rember scratching her and hitting her and her pulling my hair and Zayn pulling my leg. It seemed like everything went so fast. Niall finally got a hold of her when he picked her up and held her by her stomach. We were screaming  at eachother when I almost try to get her when Zayn came and tossed me over his shoulder with my butt in the air. "ahhhhhhh" I screamed. I looked up and saw Harry have the most frightned facewith his eyebrows quivering. Niall let Tarah down  but had her in the corner so she couldnt get her to me. Zayn let me down . " I'll get you " She said. I looked around. I went up to Harry as he snuggled me with comfort. "Listen I wanted to be friends but now you have to leave" He said walking to the door and opening it. She slowly walked out creating a sweat of nervoucity going down my head. I left to go in Harry's room

   Niall P.O.V

      This is definatley another thing I love about being in one direction . I couldnt stop laughing.

      Harry's P.O.V

    Ariana Left . Louis did a double take and said "did she ..just fight ...naked." He said. All the boys laughed as they gave me highfives. I smiled and laughed as she stuck her head back out the door and said " Harry come." She said in a sassy attitude. Zayn whistled as the boys laughed. I headed.  "What is going on...!" She whispered while in a yelling voice. "I dont know she just just came" I said whipsering but in a panicking voice."Well she tried to attack me and im not the figting type honestly I was scared out my mind"she said in a panicky whisper. We peeked our heads out the door .She was know where in sight.She put on the sweater and then took a lay on my bed. I sloly crwaled over while she was trying not crack a smile. I crept over her and slowly neeled down to her face. She put her hand over my lips "im sorry but that whole thing was a big turn off" She said laughing. 

        Ariana P.O.V

           I heard my phone buzz so I went down to get it out of my bag.  It was from my mom so I ignored it . "Ya know im doing a performance on thursday  are you coming "I said. figging with my phone ."ermm..." he said consiplating. "I might have to see..but surely ". 

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