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Harry's POV

        I made my way backstage with the boys. Looking though the whole stage crew. Instead of observing Ariana galloping across the stage rejoicing how 'happy ' she was e boys thought it would be safer for me to hit it backstage instead.

The crowd backstage lights dimmed as runningthrough the frantic stage crew. Everyone seemed to be pulling one way forward to a group of people.nthinking it was probably a famous person. Me and the boys took a seat on the stage with the crew . I suddendly felt the urge of uncomfortness and needed to freshen up.

    I walked around the jungle trying to find my way.This seemed to be more of a night club then a proffesional stage production."Sorry sorry..." I repeated myself over. My torteous body kept on bumping into people. As I tried to peer for the bathroom in the darkened room.

    Arianas POV:

         Rushing and crushing my hands and they intertwined with Justin's leading to my dressing room .He closed the door behind him as I took a seat on  my thhe couch in the dressing room. In too much excitment I was bouncing up and down on the couch .Looking back at Justin's smirk was golden. "We did it " I laughed bringing him  up to bounce  on the couch with me.Joycing at our perfect performance.

      Him unexpectently wrapping his bare thich hands around my tiny waist frazzled me. He then tried to calm me down while taking my two hands and and getting closer. Swiping a piece of a lost piece of my hair that landed on my forhead putting it behinf me ear and chuckling. His smile was light and his eyes were dark. A queezy feeling in my stomach started to rumble. I looked at him with a serious  sweet face as I tilted my head to the side. The room filled with siilence. I didn't know what was coming next. A shock of his warm skin on my leg filled his hand. His lips pressing up against mine startled me ."Justin what are yo-" I managed to squeezeoi out to say out of the kiss.  "Shhh" he told me while forcing his lips on mine. I kissed him back. It didn't feel right. It was like 2 wrong sides of the puzzle pieces. "I don' t know Justin-" I squeezed out again . His shut me up  with another kiss. It wasn't working with me. Me letting out an eeire  moan of showing how uncomfortable I was. I attempted to back out of it but it wasn't working. His forcefull lips pressing up against mine as  his arm wrapped around the back of my head.

                Him forcing me down as he tried so hard to force his lips to mine. I tried my hardest to get him off of me .Me grunting only seemed to turn him on more. Me forceful pushing him off obviously didn't affect him. Him lowering me down so he had full acsess of me. I know he didn't want to take advantage of me. My blank heart beat evaporated.  "Justin don't do this you know you don't want to " I whispered out to him trying to coopeate. He layed me down still trying to go in on me.  He then gradually put his self on top of  me "Ariana , I knew from the start we had a connection.I really can't help myself.." he carried on as I rolled my eyes. He stabrted to slubber his mouth all over me again I squealed and squirmed. Getting interupted I heard the door swing open. His eyes jolted over to the door .A tall lingering british boy with curly hair poofed to the side stood there in shock. He seemed to know what was going on. His mouth widened . "Harry..." I mouthed quietly. I blinked and looked down ashamed that he saw me at this point . He immeditly turned red. 

       "Get the fuck off of her " he said in a low tone voice to Justin. Justin rolled his eyes and looked at him with disgust."How about you mind your buisness , and close the door on your way out: Justin spat back. Harry jolted over to Justin gripping Justin's body forcefully throwing his body off of me. I quickly sat up crossing my arms and looking down in emberassment. Justin fought back pushing Harry into the wall. There was fear in Harry's eyes but also pride and anger. Harry green orbs turned bright red. "Fuck you " Harry fought with all his force con stantly smashing Justin into a wall and on the floor. I couldn't watch knowing chaos was going on because of me. I hated it. "You had your fucking chance with her and now your defending this low life bitch that wouldn't give it up for me motherfucking Justin Bieber" He yelled at Harry as I started to cry. Justin angerly stomped out throwing every piece of my makeup ,lights,ect on the ground creating a mess. He slammed the door on his way out. All of the items thrown starlted me. 

            Harry looked  down at the ground and peered at me . "You alright?" he asked with while I looked down in shame whiping my tear. "Alright then " Harry said brushing the dirt off of his suite and making his way out the door. " Wait ! Harry " I called out.  He turned back around as I walked slowly to him. I stared at him and realized this is the boy I feel inlove with. This is the boy I will always be in love with.  I gripped his big arms as they filled my tiny hands. We  both stared at my movements toward him as I smirked and giggled. I slowly made my way up to his shoulder.  Making my lips touch his lips. Sparks instant flew across the building. I felt at the moment we were inseperaptble.  I loved him and I wanted to say it a million times. I stood on my toes trying to reach his height. The kiss lingered away . My eyes meeting his. My arm slid back down to his hand.There was a silence as he cleared his throat and I peered down.  I shook my head in yes formation. "Sorry I just-" I tried to say as he lifted my chin with his long fingers forcing me to look at him. He instantly gripped me and hugged me. I could tell he wanted me in his arms for a whiel. I instanntly fitted the puzzle piece . I finally realized the puzzle piece wasn't his body or his lips it was his heart.


Living in the moment  (harry styles and Ariana grande  hariana  fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now