Chapter 18

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Ariana P.O.V

    Its finally time to go back. Its been fun. I got on my airplane  getting ready to go back to london. 

    *5 hours later *

      I got of my plane and sitting there. I called Elizabeth.

 "HELLLLOOOOO  HUUUNN" I screamed through the phone.


  "AWW beb thats cute I missed you so much " I weesled

"Hey come over I have a suprise for you" she said in  misgivious voice.

"Ah ok " I said curiously as I hung up.

                My mom picked me up but not really in excitment she just asked me about the movie and casting calls. I listened to Katy perry on my phone. I was so excited to enter my own house from 5 months. I ran into my house smelling fresh pine sol on the floor and air whick in the air. I went up to my room and plopped on my bed imbracing the soft fur from my confeter. I got up and looked all around my walls. I saw collages of all the times I had with Harry. I slowly took them down. I got in the shower and threw on a blazer with nothing underneath ,dark blue skinny jeans,and nude pumps. I wore my hair out for a change.  I did my makeup then put on some jewlery. I looked in the mirror whispering to myself "proud to be back" .  I walked out the door and got in my car. 

              *10 minutes later*

    I got out my car and knocked on Liz' door. She opened up the door and immeditey attacked me with a hug. "AHHH  I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" she squealed . " I know I know" I said with a smile hugging her tighter. We walked up the stairs when I saw a big SUPRISE banner across the wall with WELCOME BACK ballons. I laughed and said "ahh your so sweet".   We entered her kitchen and sat down at the bar."well you look great hows germany been treatimg you" She said. "Aw thanks but its so cool I love the food and statue-" I said before getting cutoff by a knock on the door.

  Liz put on a grin and said "wait" . She walked down the stairs and answered the door. Zayn,Niall,Liam,Lou,and Harry and that girl revelead at the door. I smiled trying to sneak to see who it was. I sat back down at the bar and waited as hey slowly walked up the stairs. 

 "AHHHHH ARIANA" Liam said coming up to me hugging me. 

"Liam hows it been " I questoned with a smile.

"great how was germany" He questoned.

 "Perfect" I said once Niall nearly threw me off my chair by kissing me all over. I laughed . "HAHA Niall stopp" I said flufflying his hair.  Then Zayn slowly wrapped his arms around me from behind resting his chin in my neck as I cringed and laughed. Harry and the girl came up to me and handed me balloons . "Hey welcome back" he said handing me balloons. "Thanks you didnt have to do this" I suggested. "Oh it was Tarah's Idear" he said wrapping his arms around her. She winked at me when I pulled on a fake smile. "hi im Tarah" she said in a devious voice holding at her hand. "Hi im Ariana" I said in a fake happy voice.  I glanced at Liz when I butt my head like follow me into the next room. I got up and dragged Liz into the hallway. "Sorry well be right back girl things" I excused. 

        " oh my god how could you invite HER THATS HER " I wispered but a yelling tone.

 "I didnt know he invited her" shewispered back in a fast voice.

 We both walked off slightly and went back into the living room . "Haha sorry " I said flipping my hair.  I glanced at Harry then looked back at Liz "well um lets sit on the couch" I suggested pointing to Liz's living room. Everyone greeted to the Living room  when "tarah" and Harry snuggled up next to eachother and started kissing. I swallowed a clump of jellousy down my throat and said " So um ... guess who I worked with on my movie set channing tatom" I said bragging. Everyone gasped. Niall sat next to me playing with my hair. I looked at him "sorry It just wierd you dont have your hair in" He said cringing. I laughed. Liam asked "So what did you do in the movie " . "well I played the mistress of channing tatom which was very hard because I never was a slut " I shot with a fake smile. Everyone could feel the awkard in the air. Lou was quiet until he said "well of course you would never be ha" me and Lou chuckled . I excused my self to go in the bedroom. 

   Harry's P.O.V

   Everything was so awkard I knew I shouldnt have brought Tarah. It was a stupid idea. She cudded up to me when she whispered "im going to the bathroom" then got up.

       Ariana's P.O.V

        I was looking through my purse as I was interupted "seem frazled" she said standing at the door. "why do you need to know" I shot back. "Oh please dont expect anything hun ..youve been gone for five months so then I moved into the picture and just to think Harry would take you back" She wispered with her arms crossed getting closer to me." I dont expect anything you dont " I said passing her leaving.

   Harry's P.O.V

  I wondered where Tarah went so I got up and went looking for her. I went into the hallway to only bump into Ariana. We met eyes I looked down ruffling my hair. " so hows it going" I said awkardly."good um do you want something" she borrowed. "Oh um... did you see Tarah"  I said. "yeah I saw her" she said ina attitude as she passes by me.

  I realised who I was exactly in love with and It wasnt anyone familiar. 

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