Chapter 13

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      I was in shock.Harry looked at me and got up immeditley as I pelted in tears. I covered my face from shame as everyone was speechless. I got so fustrated so many mixed emotions were going through my head. What was actually happeneing. How could Harry do that. He got up as he tossed a brown short hair girl with a tank top ,jeans and a converse while separting there lips. He got up and quickly . I ran out crying when Harry screamed my name "Ariana dont understand". I turned around slowly as my lip quivered."Harry WHAT THE FUCK DONT I UNDERSTAND HUH?" I said waving my finger.He looked at me with a tear in his eye "no no it was misconstrude I promise". 

"HOW COULD YANKING ON THAT GIRLS LIP BE MISCON FUCKING STRUDE HUH HARRY IM TALKING TO YOU , you know what you dont care because if you did you wouldnt do that so if you dont care I guess you dont FUCKING care about me leaving to germany " I said yelling then traveling off. "Germany" ? he wispered to his self. " You now what " I said walking closer to him "I loved  you ..." I said throwing the Nandos bag at him and walking away.

 Harry's P.O.V

 I fucked up real bad.And she was leaving to germany it sucked! I didnt think she would notice I didnt think she would be there." I'm a lowlife" I said punching the wall while going blown at crying. I cried like a baby and I couldnt stop . I went in the studio  while the boys were staring at me." is everything alright" Zayn wondered as I replied "EVERYTHING FUCKING FINE" I said yelling at him while throwing all the instruments and punching the walls. The boys looked at me as I threw stuff."EVERYTHING FINE EVERYTHING FINE EVERYTHINGS FINE" I screamed over and over" while kicking everything. Liam got up and pulled me away and sat me down on the couch as I covered my face and cried. I cried hard. I havent cried like this ever since my parents got a divorce,I just cried. Tarah the girl I was kissing came out and I looked at her. She came out and I screamed "GET OUT OF HERE YOUU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE GET OUT" I screamed as she rushed out the room. I only ccared about Ariana so why did I hurt her? 

Ariana's P.O.V

      I sat in my car for 3 hours and cried I didnt want to be around anyone I didnt trust anyone. I got out of the car and walked in the house. I saw my mom doing just as I left her. "Mom.. I need help" I said sneefling inbewteen words. She peeled her eyes from her work and hugged me "ohh hunny what happened.?"

Living in the moment  (harry styles and Ariana grande  hariana  fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now