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 We went home and I didnt talk to him all through the car ride. He layed down on his bed when I stood there at the door way. "What?" he questioned with a sigh. "that wasnt cool' I said grabbing the blanket out of my bag . " I did it for you !" He said standing up. "I dont need you to do that for me Harry well im gonna sleep down stairs tonight to help me think"   I said. "Help you think about what"he said as  I closed the door . I sat on the couch thinking that I was the jerk and not Harry.

*30 minutes later*

I showed up at his door with a packet of frozen peas. I knocked on his door.He opened it. I walked in with out his permission. I said "sorry for yelling at you when you were just trying to help"he nodded. "well I bought some peas because it looked swollen". I said pointing to his eye. He sat down on his calafornia king sized bed while watching Awkard. I layed down on his bed and started rubbing the peas on his eye.He cracked a smile at me and It sent butterflies in my stomache.


*1 week later*

    I went home after 4 days with the boys. It was fun but im relived that I get to be in my own room without hearing screaming from the boys watching soccer,smelling faurt,and having no food left. Harry has been puttiing me off al week to hangout. He always have been sayin he's at the studio.I called him  up. It rang and went flashed to voicemail.I wanted to stop at the house where they keep there studio . I jumped in the shower and did my regular routine. My mom was in her office doing the usual WORK. I passed by her door and smiled. I was over my mom being a manger and I just wanted a mom.

  "Hey um Im going out to eat " I said standing there at the door.

"ok..fine ..sweatheart" she said not piercing her eyes away from her computer typing up work .

    I rolled my eyes and hurried off. I jumped in my pink buggie and headed off to Nandos because it was the boys favroites. I headed off to the house. I walkedin through the back. Trying to suprise Harry. I stumbled down the stairs. I took a sneek through the door and saw all the boys by the recording buttons just doing nothing. I knocked on the wall because the door was open ."Hey does anyone like nando-o...s-" I said trailing off at what I saw .

Living in the moment  (harry styles and Ariana grande  hariana  fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now