your scenario [Chapter 1]

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I woke up by the terrifying sound off my phone vibrartion. It was elizabeth (the cast member from victorious that play jade). I got up from the juddering of my phone being passed through my body. I ascended out of my bed and picked up my phone. I read the words from my phone .

Cant wait for you too come tonight done forget be ready by 8 -elizebeth.

Tonight i was going to perform for Elizabeth's birthday. I'm still kinda unsure about because i'm not a big performer. I mean yeah i'll try but i just think im a little rough.I texted her back .

Of course wouldnt miss it for the world so excited to perform-Ariana. I lied i want acrually excited I mean i kinda have stage fright and anything could go wrong.

I walked out of my pink room and walked down to the kitchen where I noticed my mom was cooking . The smell of pancakes arose up to my nose and out and suddenly i was craving breakfast. I came behind my mom and kissed her on the cheek and added a "good morning". She smiled .That was one thing I loved about my mother her smile could light up a whole town,it was absoultley perfect withought a doubt. I sat down on one of many of the high chairs on my bar/counter in my kitchen. As I waited for breakfast I thought about what i was going to wear and then i realised I HAVENT EVEN TOLD MY MOM ABOUT THE PARTY. I slipped the message by her easily.

"Oh did I tell you Lizzy's birthday is today and im performing at her party" i said in an innocent voice. Yes i was 18 but still i always kinda wanted approval from my mom she was the instructor of my life and i wanted her opinoun in everything I did.

"Oh thats great hun are you excited " she said suprisingly .Usually when i didnt plan things a-head of times or told her should freak out.

"So have you been soul searching " she replied while scrapping the eggs on to my plate . I hated when my mom talked about boys, I mean if i really wanted a boyfriend i would be looking for one but im obviously not so why did she ask?.

She set the plate on the bar/counter .It was steeming hot as i watched the smoke rise up. "Moooommmm" i whined and started to dig into my plate. It was silent for a second when she replied while digging into her plate "Por qué no" . My mom always threw a little spanish here and there inbetween her conversations thats where i get my half hispanic from. I finally finished my breakfast and barged up in my room to go on my laptop for a few minutes. A few minutes turned into a couple hours!

*6 hours later*

I looked at the clock and it was 5:30. Oh crap! I scrambled across my room to get my things together. I knew i wouldnt be ready in two hours espically for a performance . I grabbed a towel from the haul closet quickly an got in the shower. I got out and only had a minum time to do my hair,makeup,and out on my clothes. I looked at the clock and it was 6:15. I sat at my vanity table and turned on my blow dryer and blowed my flaming red hair . It was finally dry and all i had to do was style it. I was still sitting at my vanity still in my table and it was 6:40. I got out my curlying iron and let it heat up in the meantime. I slipped on my sparly dress with the v-neck cut in chest and wore blue heels that had siler spikes on the heel. (outfit in the sidebar). I walked back over to my vanity and did my hair. I put my hair in poiny-tail and curled the ends of my hair. I did my makeup and put on perfume. I looked through my closet for a sparkly clutch and luckily found one. It was 7:44 and i still had to drive there. I grabbed my phone and literally threw it in my clutch.

I walked down stairs and quickly kissed my mom and headed out the door. I turned on my pink buggie and headed off.

*20 minutes later*

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