Some Headcannons

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• Cole is a introvert, Kai is a extrovert
-->Seriously, you can't tell me Kai isn't the one who goes out every night on some partys or meeting some friends, while Cole would rather stay at home, read or draw something and eat cake. Also Kai seems like the person who gets invited to every party and everyone immediatly likes him because he just knows how to keep conversations going. While Cole just stands nearby, kust being his akward self. :)

•Therefore, Kai plays out the flirty, tough guy out in public, the heartbreaker, while at home he is all raving about Cole.

•They both love Halloween
-->Cole because of the sweets, Kai because again it's a good time to hang out with friends or throw a party. Both love to dress up. *

•Cole is actually pretty good at drawing but would never admit it -->Whenever one of his friends catches him scribbling in his notebook he hides it away and refusea to admit that he is good. Kai got frustrated with his boyfriends attitude but soon found out how to make fun of it. So whenever Cole says he is not good, Kai agrees (obv. a lie) and then Cole gets "angry" and punches his lover playfully until both love about their stupidness.

•They never cuddle in front of the others
-->Normally they don't act like a couple in front of the team (more like lovesick idiot... well they are), but one time they both fell asleep on the couch, being a cuddling mess and the others caught them when they entered the living room to play some video games. While Jay and Nys just laughed, Lloyd made some pictures for them to be blackmailable. Zane walked towards them and placed a blanket.

•Kai sings in the shower or whenever he thinks he is alone (or safe).
-->That's it, yep.

•Cole sings basically EVERYWHERE
-->Will never catch him without having a tune on his tongue

•Now imagine them on a long car ride with some good music :))

That's it for the first part guys!
I hope you enjoyed it!! ♡♡

*Halloween OS? ○>○

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