OS - Smut

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Requested by charlottelincoln123

Guys this is my first smut, and please i have no idea what i was doing


TW; before we start, for those who don't know:

Smut = obscene writing which includes sex or the stages before (lemon is a more common word and smut is smth like that but a little bit more "harmless")

(Was this a good explanation? Idk, read at own risk!!)


Cole opened the big heavy doors to the courtyard of the ninja monastery and then finally went inside the house feeling cold and overheated and numb and too emotional and all at once.

He inhaled and exhaled and only tried to concentrate on his breath and not think about what just happened.

It was pride month and so Cole - after a very very long discussion with his boyfriend Kai, who only encouraged him to do so - decided to finally tell his father he was gay.

After how he reacted about his "coming out" as a ninja Cole was really scared about how he would now react to THIS but hey, in the end everything turned out fine and the whole blade cup competition even helped him to create a better relationship with his father than ever before.

So why would not the same happen now?

Because your father's a homophobe, Cole thought swalloing the bitterness he tastes in his mouth.

He screamed and yelled and kicked his faggot son - like he called him - out of his house.

Every single piece of trust and love they have built ever since he told him he was a ninja was gone now.

Cole let out sigh.

Of course he felt sad about it, torn, depressed, but there was something else.

A restlessness he has never felt before.

A feeling of rebellion.

He would not just sit this out and cry, not like he did after his dad called him a dissapointment years ago, not like he did after he failed the triple tiger sashay.

Not this time.

"Cole?", it was Kai who now came downstairs, already in his PJ's.

It was dark outside, night had fallen and layed his shadow around ninjago but Kai and Cole were the only one at the monastery right now because the rest went out to enjoy themselves but Kai wanted to stay here and wait for Cole to return when he hadn't got the permission of his boyfriend to accompany him to his father.

Cole did not want Kai to be here.

Because he was sure Lou would be shocked after his only son came out as gay, but then also telling him his boyfriend was the fire master of the team?

He did not want to give Lou quite a heart attack but now...

Now he is so glad that Kai is here and the little rebellious feeling only grew.

"How was it? What did your father say?", Kai asked placing a hand on Cole's shoulders and giving him a soft kiss on the cheek.

Cole would not answer, at least not now.

He just wanted to proof himself he was worth it.

That he was proud of who he was and all the insults his father threw at him this afternoon did not mean a damn thing at all.

ColexKai = Lava = Perfect♥️Where stories live. Discover now