Ninjago Movie AU - the beat of my heart

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Heyyy. So, this was requested by qiraanotkiraa and i hope you like it so far! (took me long enough...)

I gotta admit, i got a bit carried away so there will be a part two where the main request starts hahah. this is like the prequel XD.

Still hope you like it, cause i had a loooot of funnn writing it :) even though it is maybe not what you had in mind idk.. just let me know if it is okay or what you want to happen in part 2, sweatheart :)

This is an AU story taking place after the Ninjago Movie - if you haven't watched it already... don't.
No really, you didn't miss anything, darling.

The rest of this story will explain itself while reading hehehehe :)

Have fun!


And again




Kai was mad. And right now he had no other valve to let his anger out, than the poor little pad on the steering wheel that activated the honk of his car.

But as many times as Kai pressed it (by now his car must be hoarse if it was possible), still the benz in front of him didn't move.

Still blocked the whole crossroad.

Kai sighed. This clearly wasn't his day. His bachelor thesis laid carefully placed in a green map on the passenger seat.

Right next to a termination.

It was early afternoon, autumn in ninjago city, so soon it will get dark already.

Kai had finished his bachelor thesis the night before, he was overtired and in a very bad mood.

Not least because of the stupid traffic and the shitty mercedes benz in front of him, who didn't seem to care that Kai had two important appointments.

In less than half an hour he had to be at college, defending his bachelor thesis.

And then he had to go to his stupid job as waiter in this even more stupid fast food restaurant - and turn in his termination.

His sixth job in his three years of college.

But that was too far thinking, because as it seemed NOW he wouldn't make it to none of his appointments.

His car hadn't moved now since 5 minutes now and Kai's anger gave way to some sort of... yeah, emptiness.

He looked at his phone. Nope, still the same 12 unread messages and 3 missed calls from Nya.

His sister had tried to reach him now, since almost 5 days.

And Kai didn't know why but he didn't answer. He couldn't. Wouldn't.

And it was a lie - he knew why.

Now, he wasn't jealous of his little sister, but... according to her instagram stories she was living a dream there in New York City.

Studying medicine, living in a small appartment with Jay who is climbing the top of one of the best video game producers.

And Kai? He was stuck in traffic, on his way to give up a job he very much needed to pay his bills but also hated due to the homophobic and racist co-workers he had.

He couldn't deal with that again.

So he wouldn't stay there. And if he had to live under a bridge - he.will.not.stay. there.

ColexKai = Lava = Perfect♥️Where stories live. Discover now