Two birds - a christmas story (final part)

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As they sat back together at the kitchen table, everyone was silent.

It was an awkward silence and Cole was rubbing the pounding back of his head, where he had hit it on the ground.

He felt stupid now, for running off instead of facing his problems.

And he was not only speaking about today.

But all this time, he was with Rick, instead of standing up to him.

But he was just a kid after all.

A kid that needed friends. A kid that picked the safest option.

"Cole?", Cole looked up as Lloyd said his name.

"Huh?", everyone was looking at him.

"I asked, if you want to call your dad. Tell him were you are, so after the storm he can come pick you up?", Lloyd asked genuinely, but Cole sensed some undertone.

Did he know?

No, how would he.

The raven just shook his head.

"Why not?", Kai asked, but instead of facing Cole, his gaze was fixed on Lloyd, which confused Cole.

Something was sparkling in Kai's golden eyes, but Cole couldn't tell, if it was anger or if he waw scheming something.

And Lloyd was shaking his head heavily.

"Why won't you call your father? He must be worried sick", Kai went on, in a teasing manner.

"Kai, we talked about this...", Lloyd sighed.

"You started it"

"To see if he..."


"If he means it, this time"

"Hey!", Cole interrupted their whispered argument. "What is going on here?"

"Do you feel sorry? Cole?"

Say that they're always gonna stay together

An aching pain shot through Cole's heart at Kai's harsh words.

Out there, in the storm, he thought they had a moment.

Of friendship, or even more.

But now? Why was Kai so mean now?

But one's never going to let go of that wire

"I...I am"

He says that he will

"Are you sure? Then why did you run away? You could have get lost. Or got more hurt by falling down"

Was that it?

But he's just a liar

Was Kai so angry, because he was worried.

Cole shook his head, which actually still hurted a bit.

"No... I"

"Cole?", this time it was Jay speaking up.

Cole looked at the teenager. His electric blue eyes seemed to stare right into his soul.

He remembered that Jay was adopted, because his real parents have abandoned him as a baby.

So he, of all, should understand.

"My Father isn't home", Cole mumbled.

"What?", Jay asked, wether because he really hadn't understood him or because he didn't get the sudden topic change, Cole couldn't tell.

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