OS - BubbleTea

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Y'all, I got a beautiful late Birthday present...

CreepInsane_Failure drew this amazing Fanart for me, so I'm gonna try to write an OS about it...



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It was one of the last warm Autumn days in Ninjago City. That one, where the leaves on the trees shone even more colorful in the bright afternoon sun.

The one that already fell down on the ground crunched under their feet as Kai and Cole made their way through the park of Ninjago City, both holding an icy cool BubbleTea in their hands.

Kai couldn't have been happier as Cole accepted his invitation to go get some but now, with every step, he feels his courage sinking, thinking that this was a kinda bad idea.

Not because he doesn't like Cole.

Because he likes him too much.

And it didn't help that Cole. Looked. Amazing.

He is wearing a simple black Trenchcoat, a pair of black Jeans and his Boots with chains on it, and looked so happy while sipping on his tea, that Kai couldn't help staring at him.

His body is perfect, but the most attractive thing on him, is his face, his lips, his eyes.

And this may sound odd and like out of a fairytale, but Kai loves the way his emerald green eyes sparkle in the warm sun, half covered by his soft, pure black hair that the shallow wind kept blowing in his face, so that Kai had to suppress the need to gently brush it back again.

And his lips.
There is nothing in the world Kai would rather kiss than his perfect lips.
To feel them on his own.

But the one thing that made Kai fall for the earthmaster in the first place was his smile.

Now Cole isn't a person that smiles very often - which surely upsets Kai - but when he does, Kai is wondering wether they even need the sun anymore.

"What's wrong hot head, you are so quiet?", Cole turned his head to the Master of fire and for one moment their eyes met.

Emerald meets gold.

Kai immediatly looked away, tried to control the butterflies in his stomach.

"Kai? Why did you invite ME to go get some BubbleTea?", Cole asked now, curiously tilting his head.

"Not that i complain but... At home you always seem to ignore me and now... this"

Yes, I try to avoid you because my heart always beats faster when I see you and I don't want to have a heart attack, Kai thought.

"Well, you were the chosen one! I needed accompany and you were on the right place at the right time", Kai panicly said as he recognized that Cole was waiting for an answer.

ColexKai = Lava = Perfect♥️Where stories live. Discover now