Two birds - a christmas story (part 1)

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Song: two birds by Regina Spektor

Two birds, on a wire

"Hey Cole!", a blonde teenager called and ran up to the raven haired boy who stood several yards away under the roof.

Heavy snow was falling and Cole blinked several times before he could made out the boy running towards him.

"Hey, uhm... Lloyd, right?", he asked, making way under the roof and shoved his hands into his pockets.

He and Lloyd are sharing some classes together but it's not like he had ever talked properly with him or his squad.

"Me and my friends saw you standing there. You must be freezing. Why don't you go home?", Lloyd looked at him, frowning.

Now Cole saw the car at the end of the school's court, on the parking lot.

The lights were still on and it looked like there are people inside of it.

Lloyd's friends waiting on him to finally drive home after what must have been the most annoying day of school: last day before christmas.

Last day before they had finally some weeks off.

Last day to write as many tests as they have subjects.

He could ask Lloyd the same question: Why aren't they going home?

"Well, I need to wait for my father", he bit his lip as this lie slipped out.

But strangers really don't need to know that his father was on a tour with his stupid dance group and will only come home in like 2 weeks.

They also don't need to know that he is only standing here because he did not know the school would be locked down the second all pupils were gone and because of the snow he did not want to go home already.

He would arrive as an icicle.

"Ow, okay... then...", Lloyd said and turned his back on Cole, as if he finally wanted to end the embarrassing conversation and go to his friends in the warm car.

"Have a great vacation then...", Cole mumbled and hid his shivering.

Seriously, he would end up as an icicle anyway.

Lloyd hesitated.

"Cole, I...", Lloyd turned around again.

Zane, Jay, Kai and Lloyd.

An unseperable Squad since 2 years now.

And Cole never cared to be nice to them.

"We wondered if we could take you home? I mean, if you'd rather stay here, waiting for your father..."

So why are they nice now?

Cole raised his eyebrows in absolutely surprise.

The latest addition to their squad was Jay and since the little bluebell arrived, the school's bully Rick is making his days a living hell.

Their all's actually.

And until last year, Cole was part of this.

Then he finally cut himself of off Rick, becoming a target himself but he did not care.

He did not wanna hurt these kids anymore.

But still, he never made up for what he did.

"Oh no, it's fine, I don't wanna cause any problems!", he rubbed the back of his head, his face blushing but at least he could blame it on the weather.

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