Two birds - a christmas story (part 3)

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There's nothing I won't understand.

The further he got away from that house the heavier the snowstorm got.

Or at least it felt like this.

His clothes were soaking wet and he was freezing to the bones.

But it was for the best.

He just knew he could never make up for what he did to them.

Or what he didn't do for them.

Like helping.

Or just not supporting Rick.

Which he didn't.

He never did.

But it looked like it.

He made it look like it.

And that's the worst.

I'll believe it all


At that sound even Cole's inner organs froze.

They were following him.

I won't let go of your hand.

Or actually no. They still stood in the open door.

Cole had only gotten a few metres away but in that storm even that was exhausting enough.

He knew he would never make it home but.. who cares.

Two birds on a wire
One says c'mon and the other says

"I'm tired"

"Stay away... I don't deserve your help", he mumbled more to himself.

The sky is overcast and I'm sorry

His throat was too cold and speaking felt like sharp needles through his skin on that area.

One more or one less

"Cole, stop! Wait!!", Cole turned around to see Kai and Lloyd running up to him now.

Zane and Jay right behind.

For a moment he stopped and just watched them closing in.

Then he began to walk backwards, hands stretched out in a defensive way.

"Get away", he whispered.

He thought about his father.

In his eyes he will never be good enough.

Never good enough at school, at dancing, at being his son.

So why should he even try being good for others?

Nobody's worried.

"Cole, my parents called. They won't be home for a while, as long as the storm is raging, all of Ninjago's streets are shut. So, your father also can't pick you up from here. And I won't let you walk all the way. You'll be dead before you even reach the next block!", Lloyd said.

For a moment, Kai saw hurt blinking in Cole's eyes.

After all that Lloyd had told him, chances were low that Cole's father would even come picking him up if it was summer and not a snow storm raging.

And all of Ninjago knew about Cole's dead mother.

Lily, she was an dancer and actress and admired by all citizens of their town.

Until an unknown illness made her to sick to get out of bed and eventually...

It was all over the news back then, about that time they all started Highschool.

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