Ninjago Movie AU - the beat of my heart ||

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Soo... it was decided.

55$ a ticket.

He typed in his paypal password.

And it was decided.

He got an acceptance e-mail with an unique code the security would scan.

And it was decided.

After almost 10 years he was going to see his ex-boyfriend again.

In a group of around 100 fans.

A meet and greet.

Kai never did something like that before, but he expected a quick hand shake or even a hug, an autograph (if even) and a photo.

Only a few minutes and then "next!".

But will that be enough to say words that had laid in his mouth, on his tongue for almost ten years?

Words that had laid in his heart?

It was decided.

Only one way to find out.


1 week later and Kai wasn't ready at all.

Since his bachelor was almost done he had no school in that one week and still he hadn't managed to get anything fancy for the meet and greet.

Hell, what did he even do the whole week?

He knew what. Still ignoring Nya, but by now he had found out she was inviting him over for some family reunion.

He knew because Jay texted. And Jay sounded mad but how would Kai know? He hadn't even opened the message.

Just read the specific half that said something about the reunion and then his notifications didn't tell him anything else.

"Open app to read whole message"

And in that week he had tried to find a new job.

Rent was due in another week and hell... he hadn't found one.

Maybe all fast food restaurants have a big whatsapp group and by now 4 of them had the honor to text "Don't employ Kai" because otherwise he couldn't explain why no one answered to his applications.

I mean - he was Kai Smith, heck!

He was the shit.

At least he had thought so. And now he was standing in front of his mirror, half an hour until he had to leave - at latest! - and he... yeah, he indeed felt like shit.

Hands shaky, sweat on his forehead and the button down that had looked so good in the store now stuck to him like a wet washcloath!

Aghhh, screw it.

The button down wasn't his worst problem, but his hair!

He had tried to put it down, to comb it back - god forbid - he had tried to make it look less messy, but it was no use.

And the jeans? Horrible. He had tried baggy, since it was Cole's new thing... but... baggy jeans to loose button down?! What was he thinking?!

Nya would kill him, if she saw him like that.

Cole... Cole would kill him.

ColexKai = Lava = Perfect♥️Where stories live. Discover now