I'm here - OS (Angst, Comforting)

730 24 16

Dark shadows were crawling on the floor, swallowing everything that comes in their way, freezing everyone who dares to defy them.

Jump, climb.

It was all he could do now in order to save himself from getting frozen alive.

Turned into stone.

Forever cold.

He jumped on the ladder and climbed it.

That was all he could do, all he could remember he was doing.

Until he only remembered a scream.

Someone yelling his name.

And everyting went dark.

As he came to, a painful ache was shaking his whole body in a way that almost made him faint again.

If it wasn't for the shadows crawling nearer.

And nearer.

Allthough his body protested he shot up and ran.

He couldn't breathe though.

His lungs felt like being on the verge of exploding and as he began to grasp for air all he got was the musty smoke that enveloped everything, slowly threatened to suffocate him.

Choke him to death before any of the clouds had the chance to freeze him.

Maybe this was for the best.

Suddenly sweat drippled from his face, forcing him to stop, but no.... no sweat.

It was blood.

Then again he was laying on the ground but this time no smoke prevented him from breathing.

This time only the hands around his neck did.

A boy was punching him, two other had him pinned down.

Without thinking he knew what this was - the day he wanted to protect someone.

The day he learned that it was always the best to stand up to those who are cruel and unjust.

But not the best for him right now.

Another punch hit him right into the solar plexus, making him vomit.

The others left in disgust, whilst he again threatened to choke on his own puke.

As he opened his eyes again he almost thought he would feel pain again.

But no.

This time he was laying comfortably in a warm bed.

It was cozy, soft mattress, he hugged someone, cuddled....

The only pain came from inside, his tears and sobs again made it hard to breathe and his heart was aching so terrible..

As he was laying in the hospital bed.

Next to his mother's corpse.


With a gasp the young boy shot up and soaked in the fresh air, trying hard to breathe, swallow the tears down and coughed.

Nothing helped, Nothing got better.

He really thought he must die now.


Or being frozen alive.

He inhaled and exhaled hysterical as the air got caught even more, pressure on his lungs and chest, on the verge of hyperventilation if he wouldn't stop breathing that hard.

But he couldn't stop.

Or else he would get no air at all.

But he really needed to calm down.

But how? How could you possibly calm down after all those things??

"Cole", a soft voice suddenly spoke and as he turned around he found Kai next to him.

Of course he was there, like every night.

Like always.

Like he'll always be.

"Cole, shhh baby. I'm here"

"I...I-I'm chok-k-kinnggg", he somehow managed to get out, spittle drippled down his face and for a second he thought Kai would also jerk away.


But he only wipped it away with his thumb.

His amber eyes shining directly into Cole's, who didn't even dare to blink to miss this beauty - not even now where he definitely had worse problems than loosing himself in his boyfriends eyes.

But maybe this was the thing that brought him back to sense.

Those wonderful amber eyes, his tanned skin, his hazel hair and his soft voice.

"Cole, you are not choking. You are here in our shared room in the monastery. You are not choking. I'm here. With you. You are okay", he heard Kai's beautiful voice say as his head got heavy and sank down on his lovers shoulder.

His whole skin was tingling from the loss of oxygen and carbon dioxid.

At least he was breathing normally now, took deep breaths in and out.

That's how you can calm down, after things like this.

That's how he can calm down everytime.

By just knowing there was someone out there, who loves him unconditionally, someone who will always got his back.


"I'm here, Cole", Kai stroke Cole's head, patted his back and massaged his shoulders, Cole relaxed.

"Nothing will happen to you. I'm here", were the last words before Cole drifted off to sleep again, this time into a soft dream.

"I'm here"


Lol, this was soo improvised right now, but it just all shot through my mind and sometimes you just have to sit down, and let your thoughts flow and create something (maybe) beautiful... ~.~

Hope you enjoyed this little OS ^^ <3

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