Random Thought - 4

492 24 13

Nya and Cole sitting at the breakfast table, way after everyone was long gone after their day.

Nya kept Cole here for a talk under four eyes.

" Uh, what do you want Nya?", Cole asked, a little bit stressed about this situation.

It's not everyday that the girl you thought you'd love and then turned out you were just confused over your feelings and she is now with your best friend just randomly wants to talk to you.

Or is it?

Maybe he should stop seeing her as the girl he thought he'd love and then turned out he was just con-.... okay okay, maybe he should see her as a friend now.

And just that.

"Cole, don't you see the red flags?"

"The what? Nya - I'm Co..."

"I am talking about my brother. He did fall for you. Deep"

Cole soaked in the air, but there was none.

How could Kai love him?


Is this true?

His crush loving him too?

Oh, he can't wait to go confess him that he too...-

"And that's not good for him", Nya ended.

Cole choked as he tried to swallow what she just said.

"Wait, what?!"

"Loving someone that could never love him back"

"But Nya, I d-"

"I know. You're straight Cole. Everyone knows that"

Cole didn't like what was happening here.

"I mean, you were in love with me. His sister. And you probably still are, so..."

The audacity this girl had...

Nya looked at him like she was waiting for something.

Nothing came.

He loves me, was all Cole could think of.

"Don't you see the red flag? Cole, don't break his heart when you tell him you could never lo-"

Cole grinned as he hushed her with his index finger on her lips.

"Nya I love him"

"Whaith whhath?", Nya mumbled and pushed his hand away.

"But... I thought you'd like girls... I thought... you loved... me"

Cole blushed.

"And I was wrong. I guess I am bad at seeing red flags"


"Girl, I'm colorblind"

In season 3 he ignored a lot of red flags with the whole love triangle thing.
In season 13 we found out why: Homeboy is colorblind

Guys, this is only a theory, based on how he got the color of the skull in season 13 wrong, but hey.

Wouldn't it be funny though? (not cracking any jokes about colorblindness here, you know what i mean folks)

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