everything red (||)

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TW - mention of suicide and self-harm.

Read at own risk.

Part two of "everything red" as promised to That_ninjago_shipper


Kai thought he was done for it.

But then again, he didn't care.

What will they do? What is the worst that could happen if his friends would find out he was self-harming.

Lecturing him, sending him into some psych ward.


He was a grown man.

He wouldn't go nowhere.

So, yeah, he didn't care.

If Cole was sounding the alarm any minute now. Calling the other ninja in.

"Kai, how could you do that?"

"Kai, why would you do that?"

"Kai, since when are you doing this?"

"Kai, you shouldn't do this!"

"Kai, you don't deserve this!"

And there is the mistake.

He did deserve this.

All of this, and worse.

He was weak. A fool for trying to fight Aspheera.

The "Selfish Ninja".

Even though all he ever did was worrying and caring about his friends.

But no one ever sees that, right?

But Cole said nothing.

Nothing at all.

The raven just took the blade away from him.

Then went to the little cabinet above the sink and got the first aid kit.

Then, without a twitch or a flinch or any movement that would show any disgust or even ANY emotion he began cleaning Kai's wounds.

"This might burn a bit", he finally said, his voice hoarse, as he knelt down in front of the red ninja and put disinfectant on the cuts.

Kai flinched and hissed.

This hurt even more than the making of them.

Maybe because this time it wasn't as satisfying.

The pain.

Kai closed his eyes.

He did not feel embarassment for what he did.

Nor regret.

But there was some other feeling inside of him.

But he couldn't quite tell what it was.

It bubbled inside his system, not steady enough for him to catch.

It was a feeling between carelessness and caring.

Being realisitic but still having hope.

Lost and found.

Giving up and being ready to fight.

Only when Cole was done cleaning up his wounds and put a bandage over his wrist Kai was finally able to identify the feeling.

He opened his eyes and looked down at his arm.

All clean. In a white bandage. Hidden but not unseen.

Broken. Fixed.

ColexKai = Lava = Perfect♥️Where stories live. Discover now