✨sad cole headcannons✨

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Since Cole became my absolutely number 1 comfort character and Child-Cole stole my heart...

These are some of my interpretations of how Cole spent his childhood.

Also, I woke up and chose to break y'alls hearts today...

So these are basically Headcannons but some aspects are partly canon through the show... so idk what to call this XD

have fun!

TW! Mentions of ED

1. Cole spent most of his childhood in Hospitals (due to his mother's sickness).

2. When he wasn't with her, he was doing things he didn't want to, like dancing and singing lessons. Dancing left Cole with a pretty disturbed body image and for a long time he had problems eating just to be as pretty and skinny as the other boys in his group.

3. Spending most his time in studios or hospitals led him to not having any friends. He was a loner, an outsider but for Cole it wasn't too bad actually, since this spared him from explaining his mother's state and being able to keep the embarrassing dancing lessons he took a secret. Most people made a big circle around him at school. But no one ever dared bullying him.

4. Cole never knew it any different than his mother being sick. But it wasn't always that bad. He remembered when he was smaller, she still was at home. They spent everday together and she was the first introducing him to rock-climbing which is, even many years later, still a hobby of his.

5. But that changed when one night she collapsed in the bathroom and had to get to the hospital inmediatly. Since that day, everday she got a little worse.

6. No doctor ever found out what it was that Lily had. It was an unknown sickness, not curable.

7. Therefore, Cole somehow always knew she will die, though his parents never really told him to protect him a little from the devastation. But he knew, he just felt it.

8. Lou wasn't often around. He was with his group most evenings so Cole ended up home alone most nights, with his neighbors checking up on him once in a while.

9. Cole felt it.One day, after Cole got suspended from school for getting into a fight with the older kids, Lou took him to his mother. Cole felt, that she was dying soon. He told her, he didn't want her to, that he hadn't done anything great yet, that he hadn't made her proud and she made him promise to always stand up to those who are cruel and unjust. And that will always make her very proud. (canon)

10. 2 days later and Lily took her last breath before she fell asleep forever. Cole was 10 years old.

11. Now, Lou's presence at home was even more rare. No one there to take care of Cole. His school grades got worse.

12. Around that time he had discovered food no longer as a burden but as a coping mechanism, especially cake. Whenever he was sad or mad he would eat, as this was his only comfort, his way out of dancing. A thing he had control over on the contrary to his emotions. But not for long and his habit got worse. Restless. He needed more and more food to calm his nerves to one point where he couldn't stop eating.

13. Noticing how his son neglected his dancing lessons and instead laying lazily around getting totally out of form, Lou sent Cole to the marty oppenheimer, which was always a topic between Lou and Lily. Something they would always have an argument over, but since she wasn't here anymore now, and he couldn't take care of his son, Lou sent Cole away. And like mother like son, Cole did not leave without arguing. So Cole and Lou had a heavy fight before Cole gave in and left to go to the boarding school.

14. Where he spent two days, before running away.

15. Cole intented to climb the highest mountain Ninjago's to test and proof to himself what he really was able to do and to figure out what his purpose, his worth, in this world was.

16. He figured soon enough because way up there, he met someone very special....

Hope you liked it! ;)

One thing I wanted to show in this is Cole's ED, which is almost canon in the show in my eyes. Boy had a massive appetite since the pilots and then refused eating once Wu, a person he always saw as some sort of father-figure, disappeared. Also I believe every dancer or former dancer goes through some sort of problems with food, and since Cole knew nothing else for years...

But like so many other things in this beautiful show called Ninjago, this is way to overseen XD

If you want me to write an extra OS/or more of my opinion about this topic lemme know! I would love to... :)
Or any other request of course!! <3

NEXT: Everything red (OS) Part ||
as promised to the lovely That_ninjago_shipper , still working on it, i did not forget it darling :)

(had my final exams the last couple of weeks, and yesterday was the last one!!! I am a free human being now so expect being ☆spoiled☆ with so many new chapters and OS and other stuff that is now yet to come!! Hehe)


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