All Hallow's Eve

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(Y/n's POV)

~All Hallow's eve, current day~

I scratched the little wolf pup's ears as I watched the other villagers pass, the children smiling as they are given a treat. For a small moment, I wished I was a child again, back when Mother was alive.

But then I remembered that I wouldn't have been like those children anyways. I never was the same. People called me the devil's child. It didn't help that I don't know my real parents. But Mother was always enough.

I caught a few concerned glances from parents when they realized the creature I was petting wasn't just a dog, so I sighed and motioned for the little wolf pup to head home. "Go on, buddy. I have a ceremony to attend, after all..." I trailed off, frowning.

It was for my brother, Mako. My older, twin brother, Mako. The same Mako who decided to finally up and leave me... by getting married. Without telling me. Technically, I knew. But only after they sent me a wedding invitation. I needed to be at Mako's bachelor party... in which I was expected to be at, in hopes of finding an unmarried man willing to marry me, which I wasn't exactly excited for.

Honestly, I was pissed at Mako. I didn't want to go there. I looked around, then heard a distressed meow. I perked up. As my brother said, I was... "the ultimate cat person", therefor the moment I even heard a cat I would run over to it. Or just walk over calmly to make sure it didn't get scared.

I headed towards the sound, and saw a little black cat, who seemed to be bleeding. I gasped and dropped to my knees by the poor creature, and looked for where it was hurt. It seemed it's paw was hurt. I gently cupped it's paw and noticed a thorn. "Oh, you poor thing... here, lemme help you."

I gently took hold of the thorn, then without warning, I pulled it out as fast as I could, then tore a piece of my shawl off and pressed it to the bleeding paw. "I can't stop it from getting infected, but I can stop the bleeding..."

I held the cloth to the wound for a while, and soon the bleeding stopped. I smiled. "There you go, darling." The cat put a little pressure on it's paw, then mewled at me. I took it as thanks.

The cat began to walk away, then glanced at me. I raised an eyebrow and got up, then walked towards the black cat. It began to walk again. I stopped, and it stopped. It wanted me to follow it. So I did.

It led me further into the forest, and I felt a chilly breeze on my skin. I shivered and looked around. The cat finally stopped and rubbed against my legs, meowing happily. "Where'd you take me to, kitty?" I asked.

The cat looked up at me, it's yellow-green eyes piercing through our dark surroundings. I picked up the cat, holding it to my chest. Now that I looked around, I had this strange sense of déjà vu. Like I'd been here before.

It was chillier than I had thought. I frowned, stroking the cat. "Where are we..?" I had a foreboding feeling, like this wasn't somewhere I should be. I shivered again, but this time not from the cold.

"H-Hello..? Is anyone there? I need help getting home..." I spoke into the forest, pleading that someone would hear me. I had an absolute shit sense of direction, so it was practically impossible for me to get home on my own from here.

I suddenly heard something moving from further into the forest and gasped, holding the cat closer to my chest. The cat hissed at whatever it was and yowled unhappily. I felt it's claws dig into my chest and dropped it, sucking in a quick breath from the pain.

The cat ran, it's tail bushy and low to the ground. "Wait!" I reached out, hoping it would come back, but the cat was long gone, and I didn't want to get even more lost. I whimpered, beginning to start the horrible cycle I knew so well. The catastrophe cycle.

"Is someone there?" I heard a gruff voice call out from nearby. I jumped, shrieking quietly. "Who the hell are you?" I caught a glimpse of two crimson eyes peering at me from the dark. It's face looked human, from what I could see in the darkness.

"I-I'm sorry, I just need help finding my way back. You see, I was helping this cat, because it was hurt, then it led me here and I don't know where I am-" I was starting to sound like I was going to cry.

I heard a huff of annoyance from the boy in the trees. "A lost spirit, eh? I'm assuming you just died, then."

"W-what!?! I'm not- I'm not dead! Like I said, I followed the cat here-"

"Look, girlie. Whatever cat you followed left you. It was probably a guide. They're rare, but if you're a particularly attached spirit, it can happen."

"I'm not a spirit!" I grabbed at my shawl, pulling it closer. The eyes narrowed in a frown. Like he was noticing my goosebumps.

"Then you must be a newly undead. Sucks for you, newbie. You're kinda pale, a vampire maybe? Did anyone bite you recently?" I felt my cheeks heat up at his words. What kind of woman did he take me for?

"Excuse me, sir, that was incredibly rude-"

"Mm... you have blood, as I can see now... a werewolf, maybe? You don't have the sickly look of a zombie. Or possibly- no, no... a witch hasn't been seen in centuries. You must be a werewolf." The boy sighed. "I can get you to a pack, they'd love to take in another newcomer..."

"I'M NOT A WEREWOLF! I'm alive, idiot! Not undead! I followed a black cat here, and I was very much alive. What kind of madman are you?!?"

Another huff of annoyance. "Girl. You can't be alive. This is the spirit world, the land of the dead and undead. Not of the living. If you are here, you can't be alive. Sorry to break it to you."

"Prove it. If this is the spirit world, you're dead or undead too. Prove it to me." The boy sighed.

"Fine. Don't make me regret this."

And the boy did. He stepped out of the dark, close enough I could see him. His ash blond hair. His crimson eyes. And the wolf ears and tail, twitching enough that they couldn't be anything but real.

End of Chapter.

Hello again, friends! I'm back, and I'm much more motivated.

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