A New Day

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(Y/n's POV)

As I woke up, I smiled. It was warm. It was cozy. It reminded me of mornings when I was little, after my mother had cuddled with my brother and I. I leaned into the warmth, my back pressing against whoever was holding me. "Mm..." I hummed happily.

I heard a low groan next to my ear, and memories came flooding back. The one holding me was not my mother, nor my brother. It was a wolf spirit boy, who I met last night. I felt my face go warm. Please don't tell me I spent the night with this boy. And if I did, please tell me it was just this. Sleeping. Nothing else. That would would be great.

I suddenly realized that I was unable to leave. At least, not until Bakugou let go of me. I sighed quietly. I felt his spiky blonde hair brush against my neck and shuddered slightly. It was softer than I'd imagined.

His lips brushed against my neck and I shuddered again. I felt his breath pause in a way that made me think he was laughing and I squealed. "Hey! Stop that. You're doing that on purpose." I pouted. He pulled away and laughed.

"Sorry, sorry. It was just fun to watch you try not to wake me up." When I heard his voice I swear I had a heart attack. I can't even describe the sound that caused my death. It was simply... perfection in all possible ways. I think my brain melted at that noise. That's the only way I can describe it.

I stared blankly at the wall while my brain continued to melt. "Oi, shitty girl... What the hell's wrong with your face? You die or some shit?" He frowned. I gulped and shook my head.

"S-sorry! I was just..." I went silent when I realized he was staring at me, when I looked so obviously horrible, knowing myself when I wake up. "D-distracted..." I looked away, and my face felt like someone had shoved me into a fire.

"Ah." He stood up and left. I watched him leave, confused by his shifting moods this morning. He had just seemed so familiar with me, but now he's practically giving me the cold shoulder... It was confusing.

After about twenty minutes, I could smell something cooking, so I got out of Bakugou's bed and straightened up before going to the kitchen.

I sniffed as I turned the corner, able to see into the kitchen. Bakugou was cooking. I watched for a moment, soaking in how different he looked from last night. Quiet, calm. Focused. It was strangely attractive. I wondered for a small moment if this was what my brother felt when he looked at his fiance, but then I told myself that was silly and forced myself to talk to him.

"What're you making?" I asked.

"Just some dumb eggs... Since your dumbass human body can eat that kind of shit." He spoke, softer than he had yesterday.

I smiled a little. "Thoughtful for a guy who thought I was dead yesterday." I laughed as I peeked over his shoulder. He tensed up and glared at me.

"Shut up, dumb girl." He scoffed, his tail twitching. I glanced at his tail, then back at him. I couldn't quite understand why he did that. "Just eat the damned food..." He scooped a plate of the eggs and shoved it at me, which I took with another smile.

"Thank you, Bakugou." I said quietly before sitting down and eating. As I finished, he stole my plate and fork, and placed them in the sink.

"Come on, idiot. We're getting you into trouble." The look he gave me after that confused me in ways I didn't quite understand. He had a smug look, the small smirk on his face making me wonder what kind of trouble he was thinking of. "Let's see what your human stench brings along first."

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up. I frowned, not liking the way he described me, but whatever. I guess it made sense. He pulled me outside, and the first thing I noticed was a few stray cats meowing by the house. I paused, staring at them.

The cats all looked up at me and started mewling, all but one hurrying over to rub against my skirts. The only one who didn't rise was a black cat, who's leg looked swollen. I gasped and rushed over, my hand sliding free of Bakugou's grip.

"There you are, kitty! Oh goodness, your leg did get infected..." I frowned, my voice gentle. The cat looked up at me, it's green-yellow eyes boring into mine with a look that could only be a plea for help.

I remembered what Bakugou had said about my hands being cold and gently held my fingertips to the wound. The cat almost seemed to whimper, but then rubbed against my hand. I smiled. I looked around for something, anything to help reduce the swelling, but I didn't see any ice around. I frowned, but when I looked at the cat, the swelling was nearly gone.

I blinked, wondering if I was imagining it as the swelling and wound disappeared. The cat meowed curiously, then stood up. It tested it's weight on it's leg, then looked up at me with a shocked expression- well, for a cat.

It meowed happily and rubbed against my hands before running off to return to it's friends. I smiled and turned, brushing off my skirts. Bakugou however, looked sick.

"What... did you just do!?!" He shouted, grabbing my hands. I gasped and tried to step away, but his hold was too tight.

"I- I don't know! I just wanted to help, and then the swelling disappeared-" I tried to get him to relax his hold. It felt like he was cutting off my circulation. His claw-like nails dug into my skin and I hissed in pain as blood dripped down my wrist and onto the grass.

"Dammit... I wasn't prepared for this... we need to hurry. We have to find the Guardian." But before he could explain why, I felt a sudden chill as a shadow emerged from the trees. Bakugou released my wrists and watched my blood continue to drip from my hands. "Fuck... get back inside! Now! Hurry, Y/n!"

The shock of him saying my name made me pause momentarily, and in that small moment, the shadow grabbed my hand, revealing porcelain skin and a human-like body. The person pressed their lips to my wrist and I suddenly felt sick.

"B-Bakugou..." I whimpered and tried to reach out to him, but I collapsed before he could try to help me.

End of Chapter.

Hi! This probably was pretty bad. I was just looking for a way to move the story along, sorry it took so long. Hope it doesn't suck too bad.

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